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Jungkook was shocked to see Taehyung in his base. What the fuck is he doing here?

He came down from his car. Taehyung and Hoseok turned to him

"What is he doing here"


"I wanted to be here"


"No Jungkook I want answers"

"Just- let's talk in my office" He called to his men that were outside subtly watching the scene to pull out his unconscious brother from the car boot and take him to the dungeon. Before turning to Taehyung. "You follow me"

"What were you think asking Hoseok to bring you here?" Jungkook said immediately his office door closed

"The only thing I was thinking is to get answers kook, your imposter of a brother showed up at my house pretending to be you, wanted to fuck me"

Jungkook spinned around so fast

"Taehyung did he touched you?" Jungkook slowly moves towards the male. Already feeling fear, his worst fear of his brother hurting Taehyung.

"If you're asking if he fucked me Jungkook no he didn't, the thoughts alone makes me want to throw up"

Jungkook can see how stressed out Taehyung looks


"Kook I need answers ok, and I want to hear from him and also from Jinah, like I can't believe-"

"We found out about him days ago, I mean we knew someone close to you was giving out information but weren't sure till few days ago"

"And you didn't think to tell me" The blonde male's voice was lace with disbelief

"We needed to get more information Taehyung, we knew he would never hurt you."

"He pointed a gun at me"

"When? It was definitely to threaten you. Taehyung he works for Junghoon and he's too obsessed with you to kill you"

Taehyung moved and sits in one of his chair.

"Hoseok said something about a shrine"

"Yes we discovered his lair where- he like has your pictures Taehyung, like a lot of them, he is mentally unstable"

"How long have you know he's alive and how long have you known he's obsessed with me?"

Taehyung's eyes were burning with anger, a sight he hates seeing on him.

Jungkook didn't know how to answer that second part so he settles on answering the first part

"I've known he's alive for years Taehyung"

"You lied to me Jungkook, you looked me in the eye and lied to me."

He sighs

"Taehyung you need to know most of the things I do is to protect you. I swear to you i don't do anything with intent to hurt you, you might not see it that way baby, but you're the most precious thing to me"

Taehyung stood up shaking his head.

"You dont get to say that and as for us we'll deal with out issues later for now-"

Taehyung is interrupted by a sharp knock on the door

Namjoon peeked his head in. "Sorry for interrupting boss but they're awake. Waiting for further instructions."

"I'm coming now"

"Sure thing boss" Namjoon closeses the door.

Taehyung was already walking towards it

"Are you coming or what?"


Taehyung was nervous first he doesn't know what he's going to hear, he's not even sure he's ready to hear it but he has to.

Ok Taehyung thought the dungeon was going to be all dirty and infested with rats but it's really clean

Jungkook stopped and turned to him when they got to a door.

"You ready?" Jungkook asked lifting his hand to rub soothing circle with his thumb on his cheek

Taehyung closes his eyes and nods.

Jungkook sighs bringing their foreheads together

"I'm sorry for what you went through today angel, I couldn't protect you and for that I'm sorry." Jungkook whispers like a secret between them

"Kook" Taehyung called softly. "I know you did your best please don't blame yourself, I'm ok"

They stay like that for few seconds. Taehyung knows Jungkook must have been so scared for him today. So he lets him have all the time he wants to pull himself together.

"Yeah you're ok" Jungkook breathes out quitely like he's trying to remind himself that.

"I'm ok" Taehyung assures

Jungkook pulls away giving him a small smile

"You sure you ready?"


Taehyung walks in to the room after Jungkook and saw Jinah and Junghoon but tied up. Junghoon looks like he's been through hell and back litreally.

Jungkook's men were inside too

Jinah didn't look even regrettable at seeing him.


Junghoon asked eyes fixed on him. Taehyung didn't know what he was asking.

"Don't talk to him Junghoon." Jungkook barks out

But the male just kept staring at him
"When did you know I was not him" He said the last word bitterly and Taehyung can tell the male hates his brother. Well it seems the feeling his mutual.

"Right from the beginning, the moment I looked at you"

The male looks shocked "how?"

How is he going to say this without sounding too whipped in front of all these people.

"Your eyes, I knew first from your eyes." Every eyes was on him now
"it's just different I don't know how to explain it, it's just different to me. Then from your smile to your voice to the way you talk even to the way you walk"

He shouldn't have said that last part

He heard chuckles one he recognizes as Hoesok's. He steals a sharp glance at Jungkook and was met with a proud stare. Taehyung looks away

"I just knew ok?

"Wow!" The male laughs bitterly. "You played me so well love"

"Don't call me that"

"Why? you prefer he calls you that, you think he's better than me? I could have given you so much than he would ever."

"How about you let me make that decision" The male shuts his mouth quickly

"Ok Jung-hoon the better man" Jungkook said getting a glare in return. "How about you tell Taehyung everything you've done to be with him. Tell him all the horrible things you did to get a day with him only to fail like the big fat failure that you are" Jungkook gets a harder glare in response

"Tell him when you started planning for him too leave me for you"

Taehyung watched as the male keeps glaring

"Tell him about Mina Jung-hoon"


Next chapter will reveal more

Take care guys

BITTERSWEET LOVE  // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now