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It's been two weeks, two weeks since Mina dissapeared two weeks since he last heard from Jungkook. To be honest Taehyung doesn't even know what they are anymore. 

Jungkook hasn't called him not even once and for once Taehyung isn't desperate for his calls. He missed him terrible, so bad he hears his voice sometimes in his head. Taehyung loves Jungkook, that's nothing new, everyone who knows them knows he's studiply in love with Jeon Jungkook.

He could never stay mad at him for long, he still cannot stay mad at him for long, but what Jungkook did hurt him still.

Mina really had quickly gotten a large part of his heart, he loved her the moment he met her and Taehyung knows it's because the man he loves is her father.

At some point he thought he was taking it too far cause firstly Mina isn't even related to him but then who said they need to be blood related for him to care so much and want her safe.

Taehyung had really tried, hired people to find her in every orphanage in Seoul and nearby towns, still nothing, it's like she dissapeared entirely, literally.

Two weeks of no news and Taehyung is beginning to give up, because firstly this has to involve Jungkook, if Jungkook wants someone gone hidden or whatever, it stays that way.

That's why Taehyung decided to pick himself up and started working when his agency fixed up his first gay drama shooting schedule.

Taehyung has prayed to whatever god is out there to protect that little girl.

As for Jungkook if he thinks he's gonna just run into his arms after what he did, then he has another thing coming.

"Taehyung-shi is there anything else you'll need? " His new temporary assigned manager asked shyly. Right now Taehyung was in his set up tent in the new movie shooting set.

"I've told you to call me Taehyung Jinah" Taehyung half complained

Said male gave him a shy smile. "I'm sorry I'll try"

Taehyung hums eyes going back to the script booklet in his hands.

"Oh Jinah? " Taehyung called out.
Jinah walked back inside the tent. "Please make sure everyone has a cup" Jihan nods walking out.

Momo had sent a coffee truck to the set, with his name, picture and fighting! sribbled on it.

Taehyung did laugh when he saw it, momo was indeed an angel, he doesn't know what he did to deserve her.

His eyes run through the script over and over again. The scenes for today wasn't anything tough just, well he has to act so inlove. It was nothing hard really, Taehyung has been inlove, Taehyung is still in love.

Honestly he's not worried about acting in love or kissing or whatever, he's an actor and that's what he does. He's done it over and over and over.

The only problem is that his previous movies were with women not men. But he's gay this should be a piece of cake right? The blonde haired male let out a long sigh.

maybe he's just nervous cause this is his first gay movie. At the back of his mind he's really wondering how Jungkook will react. The mob boss never really had an issue before with his work, Taehyung is really wondering if that will change with this movie.

Probably not it's not like he cares. His phone vibrates on the table breaking his thought. Taehyung stretch his neck from where he's sitting to check the caller, he wasn't really planing on picking any calls but the name displaying on his screen changed his mind.



Taehyung let out a little laugh "I'm not gonna lie I'm glad you're alive Namjoon" And Taehyung wasn't even kidding he's really glad cause deep down he was also blaming himself for what happened to the older.

Namjoon laughed, a very free laugh which indicates the male is really ok.

"He wasn't gonna kill me over that" Namjoon said laughing again. "You really have the worst ideas about him don't you?"

"I don't know anymore, I don't know how to look at him, I can't really scale out a number of how cruel he is"

"He's really not that bad" Namjoon said with a chuckle, Taehyung will really like Namjoon to crosscheck that statement again
"Anyways, I just called to tell you not to worry anymore, Mina is ok"

Taehyung sit up quickly, heart picking up a new rhythm. "Is she really ok? I've you seen her? Please let me see her"

"Calm down, I promise you she is ok, all thanks to you though?"

"Me?" Taehyung asked cause as far as he knows he didn't really do anything

"I'm sorry Taehyung shi, I can't tell you more"

Taehyung sighs "But where is she?"

"I can't tell you where she is, I honestly dont even know myself, I'm still on probation right now"

"Probation?" Taehyung asked in disbelief

"Yes, I'm not in on any top secrets on our inner circle right now, but confidentially I was told she's ok, her whereabout not disclosed, and even if it were, I'm sorry Taehyung shi I can't go against him again"

The strong emphasis on the last word didn't go unnoticed by the younger
Taehyung sighs falling back on the chair he was sitting on. "I know Namjoon, it will be awful going against him again"

"Not for you though, boss will rather pull out his eyeballs before touching a strand of your hair"

"Don't make me sound special Namjoon I don't think I am"

"Taehyung shi I don't think you understand how much power you hold over him" Namjoon said casually. Taehyung's heart picked up a rhythm again, why is he even excited about being special to Jungkook? Ridiculous! "Listen trust me when I say you can get any info about mina you want from boss himself"

Taehyung is about to ask how, but namjoon was speaking again.

"shit!! I have to g-"

"Wait! Namjoon what's going on?" The loud noises and shouts in the background did nothing but bring his nerve up his throat.

"My emergency ringer just went off which means one thing" Namjoon rushed out barking out orders in the background.

"What?" Taehyung nervously asked

"Boss is in danger and fuck he's not even in the country"

Taehyung's heart stopped.. "W-what?"

fuck where's hoseok? Taehyung with his heart in his palm listen as Namjoon barks out more orders


"Listen I'm gonna call up Felix to stay close, please stay safe Taehyung shi"

"Wai---" the line went dead.

Missed me?
Sorry for the long wait guys

I'm editing the next chapter right now it should be up in few hours.

And yeeeeeehhhhhh im updating 3 to 4 chapters this week....
Ok maybe I'm the only excited one here.
I'll take myself out..

BITTERSWEET LOVE  // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now