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Jungkook has been in Japan for days now, trying to stabalize and grow his underground influence here. it's no suprise existing force will try to end him.

Gaining power means fighting the ones that held the power, fighting for underground influence in a country that's not your homeland is much more dangerous.

But Jungkook loves danger, he was born into danger, hell! he lives in danger. He craves danger. But he was definitely not prepared for today's danger, mainly because his visit right now was strictly official meetings

He should have been more prepared though, he really did underestimated these sons of bitches.

He woke up at the light sound of his hotel door unlocking. The sound is definitely not enough to wake anyone up but Jungkook isn't just anyone.

He knew he has been compromised, he listened carefully to know the number of people entering his hotel room, to his calculation it was just one person, how silly. But who will dare try this?

Jungkook's hand slowly find the gun close to his pillow, he was lying faced down, he didn't have to move much.

He pulled his hand up a little, face lifted up,  eyes focused and with a sharp calculated movement pull the trigger straight to the head of the dark figure making his way towards him.

A loud groan followed the body that fell on the floor of his hotel room. Jungkook immediately stood up runing to the door to make sure no one followed the now dead man.

He opened the door and peeped through the hall way it looks empty. Jungkook switch the light on, eyes immediately settling on the dead man on the floor.

The man is wearing the hotel workers uniform, Jungkook doesn't know if he works here or he's impersonating another worker.

The black haired immediately walked over and picked up his phone, walked back to stand at the side of the door in case anyone try to come in again.

Jungkook checked the time it reads 2:30am, with a sigh he dialed Suga's number

Yoongi picked up at second ring


"There's a problem, pack up now and come to my hotel room" Jungkook didn't wait for a reply before dropping the call and calling Suszki one of the man he's supposed to trust here

Few minutes later Suga was at his door. Jungkook opened and let him in. "Fuck" is the first thing the hacker said when he saw the lifeless body on the floor.

"Yes fuck, who would dare try this"

"I have so many theories but at this point we can't really be sure, so many are against you boss"

Jungkook nods knowing the older is right, he's not really strong here yet, he doesn't have the loyalty of some gangs both big and small.

"This is indeed such a dumb move, they really send this idiot to kill me, I feel insulted" Then Jungkook stopped pacing, his brain working in full speed. "Come on we have to go, they know where we are"

Jungkook already dressed, immediately grabbed his bag.

They walked through the quite white hallway.

"We're taking the stairs" Yoongi nods as they start running down the stairs. "Front door, they won't want to cause too much scene" Jungkook adedd

Jungkook carefully watched outside of the hotel. He wasn't really planning on taking his hired car, its probably tampered with. He knows exactly how these people operate

Outside looks really quiet, well it ain't surprising its 2 in the morning.

Immediately the car pulled up in the front of the hotel all hell broke loose. Suszki screamed "get in get in"

Jungkook pushed Yoongi forward aiming his gun directly at the man coming towards him, he was a tiny bit late cause the bullet grazed his arm but he shot the man down. Jungkook hissed pushing Yoongi into the car.

Immediately they were inside suszki was driving off.

"Mind telling me what the fuck is going on?" Jungkook said looking back to see if they were being followed, they're wise enough not to push far?

"Boss you're ok?"

"I'm fine is just a scratch" Jungkook sees yoongi's eyes swims with gratitude and worry, he ignores him.

"Don't make me ask again Suszki"

"Jk I swear I have no idea"

"You told me that hotel was the safest place"

"It was, I don't know how they were able to find out and even get in."

"You better not have a hand in this"

"I swear I don't" Jungkook snort as if that was a enough to put him on the clear

"Dig out who is responsible, I want to handle them my self, fesku and his men will help, I'll call him up in the morning"

"Ok, I think Carlos will like to help too, I mean he's trying to ride to your good side"

Jungkook snort. "That old fool ride to any side he thinks or feel is winning, I don't need those kind of men" Jungkook looked back on the road confused. "Where are you going?"

Suszki slowed a little. "To the kakgki main base Jk that's the safest place for you now"

"That's what you said about that hotel, they literally sneaked into the room with the key, they know the room I was in, right now I don't even trust my own shadow in this country"


"Take me to the airport suszki"

"But you can't fly out now"

"I'll stay in my private until the schedule time to fly"


To anybody it was a normal response

But Jungkook noticed the desperate reluctant in that "ok". Then it started to fall in place. The boys outside didn't shoot the car, they quickly gave up when suszki drove off. Suszki didn't even try to cover up from the shooting when he parked the car right in front of the hotel, which was a careless wrong parking considering the situation they were in. Fuck! 

He didn't quickly suspect suszki on how they find him, it's possible for a lot of underground bosses to know where he was lodged, I mean the moment he stepped foot into this country he practically alerts all of them. They want to know what he's doing at all times, he's a danger to their power control afterall

He was really thinking of starting to give suszki a chance, which says a lot. How did he manage to fool him so far.

Fuck!! The whole issue with Taehyung and Jessica's daughter had really occupied half his mind. He's getting fucking slow.

To make matter worst the idiot is now taking a wrong turn

With a sigh the black haired pulled his gun. god! he was really starting to tolerate this dude. Jungkook placed his gun right on his head.

"Put your two hands on the wheel Suszki"

"J-Jk--" Suszki starts trying to look back. Jungkook feels Yoongi confuse gaze on him

"Put your two hands where I can see them before I blow your brains off Suszki." The Japanese male immediately complied

"Jk wh-at---"

"Shut up Suszki, I spend years in this city I certainly know the way to the airport and y'all really need to step up your game I feel insulted, now I need you to pull over"

The male let out a shaky breath "I c-can't"

"I don't think I gave you a choice Suszki"

"You dont understand Jk, the moment I stop the car we die"


And here i was starting to trust suszki too?
Hurt 💔💔

BITTERSWEET LOVE  // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now