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Taehyung was really having a bad day, first, his company didn't approve his vacation which he desperately needed, secondly he spent hours preparing Jungkook's favourite meal for nothing because the said male is busy as always.

I mean, isn't he supposed to be the busy one? He is the popular one for god sakes. Well, it doesn't work like that apparently a mafia boss seems to be more busy than a well-known celebrity.

What does he even do though except go through long lists of paperwork, what a boring-ass boyfriend. The blonde male mentally rolled his eyes

To add up to all his frustration he got a call from his bank manager about an authorised activity on his account. Taehyung really needed to mark today's day down.

"I'm glad you could make it Mr Kim"

"I didn't really have any choice" The man in front of him smiled, eyes still fixed on the computer screen in front of him

"I know how busy you are Mr Kim, I just need you to sign some documents"

"Yeah sure," Taehyung tiredly agreed.

"Like I said someone tried to access your account, we are guessing they got a link when you paid into starlight foundation, it's a public account so all the possibilities point towards that direction" 

Taehyung hums, nodded for him to continue

"No damage was done, but we need to take precautions, i suggest you open another indirect link account that will be sending money to starlight every month"

"Ok, do it then"

"Good, I'm going to give you some documents to sign, I suggest you go over it with your lawyer"

"It's just opening an indirect transfer account why do i need a la--"

The loud sound of a gunshot made them both freeze. Taehyung's blood runs cold from the loud voice that follows

"Everybody listen up, I expect you all to stand and sit wherever you are, meaning, no movement, I see any movement I shoot before asking questions."

Taehyung didn't need to turn around to know what was happening. God why didn't he just sit at home, is this really happening?

"Now I know none of you came here to die" The voice continues. "I'll like to let you know we didn't come here to kill anyone but to get some money and prove ourselves, so I'm sure you understand that we'll crush anyone who tries to get in the way of that."

The deep voice said out loud and clear.

"Now I want you to stand if you're were sitting" Taehyung didn't need to be told twice, his eyes quickly caught Mr Ji-yoo's hand go under his table before retrieving it and standing up like they were ordered. Taehyung is pretty sure he just alerted security.

"Now everyone move towards me" the voice ordered.

Taehyung turned around to see hefty men on all blacks with guns, face properly covered.

The blonde-haired male kept his hands above his head moving along with the crowd to the centre of the banking hall.

He noticed from the corner of his eye that others were already taking money from the deposit counter.

"Good citizens of South Korea doing as you're told, wonderful" The voice rings out sarcastically  "Sit down on the floor and relax, we will be out of your hair before you know it, no harm will come to anyone if-"

A loud gunshot echoed with a loud crash.

They just shot someone? they just shot someone, breath in, breath out Taehyung. He feels himself panicking, he's going to die.

BITTERSWEET LOVE  // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now