Chapter 25 - meredith returns

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Mark skipped work the next day, which really he shouldn't have done as he had missed more work than is acceptable due to his own drama and due to Lexies illness (as much as he didn't want to admit that...It was true). He showered and made some coffee and placed it next to Lexies side of the bed for when she wakes up. He also started running a bubble bath, as he suspected Lexie would be mentally exhausted from the previous days news...

He wasn't wrong.

Before Lexie woke, Meredith came knocking on their door.

Mark - "Meredith, hi" he stepped out of the way as a panicked Meredith entered the room

Meredith - " are you? How is she? You guys haven't been in touch" she said both softly and sternly

Mark - "Look I'm sorry. She's just not been well, and we got her diagnosis's yesterday and quite honestly we've both been a wreck since then'' he replied with a dull smile

Meredith - "Well I don't care...well i do but I'm her sister, Dereks like her brother and he's your best friend. We need you too. But anyway, what was her diagnosis?" She rushed

Mark gestured for her to sit down, and passed her his coffee as she clearly needed something other than him and Lexie to be addicted and concentrated on.

He sat down with her before answering, "situational depression, ptsd and bipolar" he said ignoring completely Merediths speech about family love.

Meredith rubbed her forehead, and didn't answer for a few seconds "so what's happening? What treatment are they giving her?"

Mark "well she's on anti depressants and will have more intense and regular therapy sessions...Quite brutal ones i suspect which is why I'm taking leave from work." He exclaimed, patiently waiting for her now delayed reaction to his news.

Meredith fires back abruptly at mark "No. You should not do such a thing. Lexie will beat herself up if she knows you're postponing your entire career for her. Have a one on one for her a few hours a day..Or on my day off or any of the others days off they can come and 'babysit her'. She needs somebody, but not the same person all the time. Change is good. Now, I'll sort out who looks after Lexie on what day. And we do not, and I mean this, DO NOT notify her that they are coming around to make sure she doesn't kill her self. They are coming round to see her as friends, and as family. After all, that's what family do right?"

Mark sits, quite stunned at Meredith's insane reaction.

Mark - "Right, yeah okay. Oh and I am sorry about not letting you guys know about us more...It's just been rough you know?" He looks down with sad eyes, and the cold eyes of Meredith slightly warm at the sight of a very broken looking Mark

Meredith- "it's okay. It's over now, just as long as I'm here to see you and her. Now will you please get back to work? I'm on Lexie duty today."

Mark - "are you sure? I- I could stay just for the morning. I booked the whole day off actually so I can't go. " he almost pleads

Meredith pats his shoulder and shoes him to the door

Meredith - "nope, because then you'll never leave. You know what the traumas are like on Fridays, get yourself there, they always need extra hands. Have a great day. Bye now"  she smiles as she closes the door in his smirking face.

Mark waits patiently at the door hoping it'll open again while he laughs. Eventually he grows impatient and gets off to work still worried about the outcome of Meredith looking after Lexie for the day. Two Greys in a room can be very hard work, and they know it themselves.

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