Chapyer 18 - Dead

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Back to the present....

Mark - "Derek really? Just leave it" he said sighing
Derek - "not until she explains that...or confirms it hones...honest...honestly" he finally blurted out, reaching over to lift Lexie's sleeves of her jacket.

Mark - "Right Derek seriously man

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Mark - "Right Derek seriously man. Stop. Meredith stop him."
He looked at Meredith who looked back at him her head tilted

Meredith -  "look as much as he's drunk and shouldn't do or say such things I do want to know why Lexie and I want you to tell us how. I cant keep wondering whenever you say you're busy, what you're actually doing with your time"

Lexie stood up, pulling her jacket sleeves back down, and looking at them all.

Lexie "Look, I cant do this okay? I cant have people keep accusing me of crap I didn't even do

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Lexie "Look, I cant do this okay? I cant have people keep accusing me of crap I didn't even do. I need some air, and what looks like a new family because my own don't trust me enough. As for you mark..I don't even know what to say because I know you are just as untrusting of me as Meredith and Derek are." and with tears rolling down her cheeks she walked off.

Mark got up to chase Lexie, but Meredith told her to leave Lexie and they all sat there in silence choking back their tears on the alcohol

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Mark got up to chase Lexie, but Meredith told her to leave Lexie and they all sat there in silence choking back their tears on the alcohol...Derek having already done so. They eventually headed out of the restaurant, still having said not a word to eachother. Mark eventually parted from them after helping Derek get into the car

Derek - "so, did she tell us?" He said laughing

Mark - "don't even say a word you bastard" and he slammed the door on him, a very annoyed Meredith watching him go to his car. She was both annoyed at mark and at Derek, as both of their behaviours were far worse than could be described

Lexie was at home, her emotions creating a tight scarf around her mind tugging and tugging at her now. A knife mark had previously used was sitting in front of her eyes on the work top. She was so consumed in that moment that she couldn't do anything else.

Lexie - "my entire family don't trust me, my friends all treat me like I'm some sort of victim, my boyfriend hates me, I've ruined him. I cant be here anymore, I can't do this anymore." She spoke as she picked up the knife and....

Before long Lexie was laid on the ground, her wrists were split and blood poured everywhere from both her arms and from her thighs

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Before long Lexie was laid on the ground, her wrists were split and blood poured everywhere from both her arms and from her thighs. Being a surgeon meant her cuts were very accurate, and this time she wasn't aiming to just hurt herself, as the precise incision done on her wrist had completely shattered her vein.

What Lexie didn't know is how her family would react to this, and how the love of her life would react coming home to see her dead on the floor....

Dead. Was that really the end?

Hey guys, that was the end of chapter 18! I'm so sorry I haven't written in weeks, I've been so busy with school and the coronavirus cases have been rising every single day in my school and in my yeah, hectic. I hope you know that the next few chapters will be out much sooner, and I'm so delighted to see all of your positive comments and all of the reads. It makes me so emotional. Also, if you haven't already give my other story a read, it's my own plot and characters and it deals with romance and mental health too. Yeah, love u all!!

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