Chapter 21 - Your heart or your lungs?

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The following morning Lexie finally woke after being in a coma for a week. She coughed and coughed, panicked and panicked as she saw where she was.                                                                     

The tube was removed from her mouth, and she sat up looking around. "Where...What am i doing here?" She asked the unfamiliar doctors parading around her

"You were admitted to the pysc ward last week after you attempted to end your life" a voice spoke (quite rudely Lexie thought)

Lexie took in more of her surroundings, plain white walls, the plastic sides of the hospital bed holding her in like a baby in a crib and the plainness of the walls, of the chairs...not a hint of colour, not a single painting on the wall. But Lexie knew that about this ward, she had learned about it in med school, and in a book which should had remembered. There could be not a single sight of life besides the person that's in the room. Paintings had sharp corners, nail scissors were, well, scissors, chairs were heavy...Everything was a threat so they removed it all.

Lexie - "So...I'm here...for what, a day, a week" she paused "a month, a year?" And she stared the doctors dead in the eyes, waiting for a response. They looked down, as if the words, all of the answers had disappeared from their knowledge

"Well Dr Grey" he started, as Lexie soon interrupted her

"Lexie, its Lexie Grey" she corrected him

"Oh, well I'm Dr Greene, but call me Mark" he approached her closer to her bed to shake her hand, then realising he couldn't

She stopped, froze "Mark" she whispered and her eyes automatically closed. She breathed in the air, his smell, his touch, his smile, that stupid beard he had that she hated...But secretly loved.

She reminisced on one particular moment they shared. When Lexie was worried about breaking Mark's penis, and for breaking his reputation she tried to apologise and Mark said "You think you broke me little grey, you're the one who put me back together". The feel of his finger on her lips, the feel of his words that felt like warm water against her skin.

She felt that in that very moment, and she felt his words "We're going to have a beautiful life Lex, you and me"

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She felt that in that very moment, and she felt his words "We're going to have a beautiful life Lex, you and me". But then she was hit with the brick that was reality, and opened her eyes to see Dr Greene stood there, his hand on her shoulder, waiting for some recognition that she was okay and was alert.

Lexie - "Sorry, I Just...Your name it made me think of my boyfriend, Mark. He's a doctor too."

Dr Greene - "You don't mean Mark Sloan do you?" He spoke questioningly

Lexie - "Um...Yes. Why?" She looked bewilderingly at him

Dr Greene - "Oh just a familiar name, that's all. But anyway, we're not sure how long you'll be in here for, it depends on how you recover physically to your injuries, and then once we've done your mental evaluation then we can evaluate the duration of your stay" he smiled

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