Part 5 - The reunion

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Marks eyes were closed, but opened rather suddenly when he felt a small hand on his chest, one that was all too familiar.

Mark - "Lexie *he croaked* What, what are you doing here?"

Derek soon butted in, in the attempt to update Mark as quickly as possible so he could prep his other patient for surgery.

Derek - "So, your labs have all come back fine, and in your surgery last night I reduced the swelling on your brain and you're looking fine. You should be back to your usual self in a couple of days, but might I suggest Dr Sloan that you refrain from any sexual activity for at least a week."

Lexie stands there blushing at this

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Lexie stands there blushing at this. Any mention of sex, and her face looks like a tomato.

Mark - "haha aren't you funny Derek" he announces sarcastically

Derek - "Anyway, you can freely go around the hospital...But I would recommend small steps at a time or a wheelchair. I'm going to leave you now, Lexie I don't need you today. You're free. "
He gives her the little wink, trying to imitate Mark's.

Once he leaves the room, they begin talking

Mark - "Lex I-"

Lexie - "I cant let you apologise or explain yourself Mark...I cant. What happened to you wasn't your fault, you not replying to my 'I love you' proposal, this accident, you not loving me...None of that was your fault, it was mine. I didn't notice the signs of abuse, and I didn't protect you."

Mark - "hey hey, come here *he grabs Lexie by the hips pulling her onto his bed* NONE of this is because of you. Don't you dare blame Julia's abuse on yourself. I know it wasn't my fault, but partly Lex it was. I could've told you" *a crack in his voice emerges as he says this*

Lexie - "No, NO *she sits up* Listen to me here, YOU are not responsible for this, all you are Mark Sloan is a little bit broken now, like me but I love you and nom matter how broken or abused you are, I'm not sure that's going to change" *she use...

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Lexie - "No, NO *she sits up* Listen to me here, YOU are not responsible for this, all you are Mark Sloan is a little bit broken now, like me but I love you and nom matter how broken or abused you are, I'm not sure that's going to change" *she uses her finger to rub the tears from his eyes*

Lexie - "No, NO *she sits up* Listen to me here, YOU are not responsible for this, all you are Mark Sloan is a little bit broken now, like me but I love you and nom matter how broken or abused you are, I'm not sure that's going to change" *she use...

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Without replying, he used his current 'best arm' to grab her petite face and kiss her. There was something so magical about this kiss, because they had both been craving it for so long.

Mark - "wow, I needed that Lex" he laughed

Lexie - "me too" she smiles at him

Mark - "now was I wrong to hear that you have the entire day off today?? Shall we go for a walk?" He gives her a nudge

Lexie - "lets do it, but one last kiss first." and with that she passionately kisses him, before helping him into a wheelchair*

Mark - "Are you sure you're going to be able to push me Lex, I am a big hunk of a man" he winks at her

Lexie - "are you doubting me? Huh? Because I bet you I could whizz you around the hospital like a damn machine!!" she shouts annoyed and determined now

Mark crosses his arms now, smirking as he knows that no matter how strong Lexie is she wouldn't be able to push him (which made Lexie very angry!)

She grabbed the handles,took her position, and like at a race waited for the sound of the gun...Except this time it was only a hypothetical gun. As she pushed off her back foot, she managed to push Mark all the way to...

"The elevator, finally!!!" She shouted victoriously jumping up and down.

Mark - "now that's just cheating, you're tired. You've only pushed me 2m down the hall."

Lexie - "whatever" *she rolled her eyes at him*

As they went down to the bottom floor in the elevator, mark pulled Lexie's ponytail towards him

Lexie - "Mark I...What are you drunk?"
she said laughing while her cheeks turned that tomato red colour
Mark - "I'm kissing my girlfriend."

Lexie - "girlfriend? When was that decided?" She said smirking at him as the elevator doors opened

As she pushed him out, they noticed to greet them were the police with...

The end of chapter 5, again I really hope you enjoyed the read. Leave it a vote for more, and a comment too (they really make my day!)

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