Chapter 19 - Love you until the day I die

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Mark drove into the parking lot, and came to a halt almost suddenly. He was contemplating going back into his apartment as he knew Lexie lived there, and would maybe need her space.
He pulled out his phone messaging Lexie

To Lexie
'Hey babe, i know everything kicked off at the restaurant...and for that I'm really sorry. Do you want me to come home tonight? Or do you want the apartment to yourself? I dont mind, i can stay at Derek and Mer's. AnywayI love you forever no matter what. I just want you to be okay'


Now he just had to wait for a reply...One I'm not sure he would get. But, he waited and waited so patiently as he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable if he stayed there.

But after checking his phone for the 10th time in the hour he waited in his car, he decided to just go inside and bare the anger she may have towards him for it.
The stairs felt wider and felt longer to walk up than usual so Mark took steady steps because he was both tired and a little tipsy...But not enough to act differently towards Lexie.

When he finally got to their apartment, he was out of breath so he slowly reached for the keys sticking out of his back pocket, and slotted the key into its hole. The clicking sound of the door unlocking made Mark feel at home, and very motivated to get into bed and sleep. The day had been long...Possibly too long for Mark and Lexie. As he walked in, he put his keys down on the sofa and shouted for Lexie

"Lexie...Lex. Look I'm sorry about everything, i can go if you want...I'm just really tired and i want you to be ok-" he walked as he said this, before stopping to see a pool of blood on the floor.

He followed it quickly and saw Lexie...The love of his life on the floor, her arms and legs cut open as though she was a corpse having a biopsy.

He screamed looking at her cuts, and cupped his hand under her chin

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He screamed looking at her cuts, and cupped his hand under her chin. "LEXIE LEXIEEE WAKE UP DO YOU HEAR ME I CANT PLEASE LEXIE I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU." His heart went still, it stopped beating as he checked her pulse...There was nothing. She was gone.

Determined he straddled over her giving her CPR while calling 911.

"HI CAN YOU PLEASE JUST SEND AN AMBULANCE HERE NOW. NOW. MY GIRLFRIEND...SHE...SHE SHE tried to kill herself. " he screamed, his voice breaking as he did.

He carried on doing CPR, though his own breaths were becoming slower and slower and his chest tighter and tighter. They couldn't be here again, not after the plane crash when he nearly lost her. This couldnt be the end.

"Lex, please hold on for me. PLEASE I LOVE YOU. I promise you things will get better for you. I'll leave you its-'' and with that Mark stopped and so did his organs......

The ambulance team arrived, the couple laying on the floor both emerged in blood

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The ambulance team arrived, the couple laying on the floor both emerged in blood. They took Lexie first, and then tried to resuscitate Mark.

He had promised Lexie a beautiful life last time they were in this situation, and he vowed to love her until the day they died

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He had promised Lexie a beautiful life last time they were in this situation, and he vowed to love her until the day they died.

I guess he lived up to that promise after all.

The end of chapter 19, is it the end of my story? You'll have to wait until tonight to see....

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