Chapter 24 - The diagnosis

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Almost a month later,
Mark was still working and in between took Lexie to her therapy appointments. He sat with her sometimes in therapy, and held her hand whilst she cried. He was there for her always. He was tired, but so much more in love with Lexie (despite her problems).

Lexie struggled with her intrusive thoughts over this month, it was long, it was hard but she was thankful not to be stuck in the hospital but instead be comforted by her love. However, with attending her hospital appointments, she was told she was awaiting a diagnosis for her 'dangerous behaviour', which is what the couple would have to face today....

Mark - "The weekend....ah" he yawned reaching his bare arm over Lexies body as they lie in bed staring at the ceiling

Lexie - "Yep, another weekend of doing nothing" she sighed and smiled subtly at Mark when his touch hit her

Mark - "Lex, we have your appointment today remember?" He said stroking her cheek

Lexie - "Oh right" she smiled sourly

Mark - "Right." And he jumped to his feet in a flash "after this appointment we are going to go out." He said determinedly

Lexie didn't look at all impressed "But where? And lets be honest Mark as much as I appreciate this, I'm not sure how amazing we're both going to feel after w get my diagnosis" she sat up, head in hands

Mark - "I'm not going to care Lex. Whatever is wrong with you, we can fix. I'm not going to leave you because of one word a doctor says. It wont define you or our relationship. Yes?" He asked waiting for her response which didn't come until she felt a hand caress her face

Lexie - "yes, okay." And she smiled slightly tears eyed at him

Mark - "Now let me get you some clothes out." He searched the drawers for panties, a bra and a shirt and jeans "Ooo this is my favourite on you" he exclaimed throwing the thong at Lexie

" He searched the drawers for panties, a bra and a shirt and jeans "Ooo this is my favourite on you" he exclaimed throwing the thong at Lexie

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Lexie - she laughed "I dont know how sexy this is going to look on me now. " and she laughed again more awkwardly this time

Mark - "No no I'm not having that. Put it on, and I will be the judge of that" and they both laughed
"But seriously let me see you in it"

 Put it on, and I will be the judge of that" and they both laughed "But seriously let me see you in it"

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