Chapter 1 - the first realisation

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Lexie had just arrived at her apartment after work, her muscles sore from a 10 hour surgery with Derek in Neuro. That was the only issue with taking an interest in neurosurgery, the brain is one of the most advanced organs in the human body, which means you have to be precise, careful and means it takes hours to repair a problem if one developed. Hardcore is the only word for it. But that's also how people would describe Lexie too. Hardcore but soft. Determined but sensitive. Knows what she wants, but...doesn't.

Lexie decided making a call to Meredith would be the only way not to feel so alone right now. She needed someone right now, especially after everything with Jackson and Mark.

Lexie - "Hey Mer, its Lexie how are you? I just wondered if I could come round?"

Meredith - "Hey Lexie, and derrick were hoping for some 'alone time' tonight" she giggles as Derek quite clearly was starting that 'alone time' now

Lexie - sounding disappointed and quite disgusted "that's fine, *and with a sudden urge of energy* "HEY MER why don't I take care of Zola tonight? I have diapers here, and I'm sure there's a store open where I can buy a foldable crib, and-"

Meredith - she cuts off Lexie quickly "Lex, that's fine *she laughs* I'll bring her over in around 15 minutes, and don't worry we'll bring everything you need, even the travel crib."

Lexie- "okay Mer, thank you I'll see you soon"

Meredith - "you don't have to thank me Lexie, you're doing us a favour"

Lexie - right yeah *she blushes through the phone, embarrassed now, and hangs up the phone*

Lexie hopped off her couch making sure she had enough food in to cook something for her and Zola. Being a surgical resident wasn't exactly the best for time. Lexie had practically no time to get her groceries, even on her days off she lingered around the hospital waiting for a certain someone to just walk around the corner and declare his love for her. But alas, that only happened in the cheesy rom-com films, Lexie spent her time watching as a teen to get her through med school.

She managed to find some vegetables that she could blend together to make a safe lunch for zola to eat, and was starving so looked for something for herself. She had absolutely nothing left in her fridge, besides an out of date carton of milk. She went to pick up her phone to let Meredith know she'd need a stroller, as shed be taking Zola out. That's until the doorbell of her apartment rung.

Meredith - "Hey Lexie, I have everything here for you. Stroller, crib, food, bottles, pacifiers, her favourite stuffed animal...Yeah basically everything you will need. "

Lexie - "That's great thanks Mer *she takes Zola from Meredith's arms gently* Before you go, how are you? I feel like since I've been on Derrick's service I haven't seen or talked to you as much. "

Meredith - "Aw Lexie, I'm okay getting through the days of general surgery with Bailey

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Meredith - "Aw Lexie, I'm okay getting through the days of general surgery with Bailey. But I really have to get back to Derek, i'll see you soon" -

Lexie - "Oh right okay, see ya Mer"

Lexie closes the door slowly behind her, and with Zola in her arms opened out the stroller and gave her a pacifier before leaving the apartment to get some groceries.
They arrive in plenty of time...

Lexie - "right then little miss Zola, what should we get first cereal or fruit?"

Zola - *babbling*

Lexie - "right, you cant talk yet. But aren't you cute though?" she says sweetly squeezing zola's right cheek lovingly

Once she had picked everything up that she needed to survive yet another week of residency, a middle aged couple strolled pat Lexi and Zola and casually stopped in front of them

The woman - "Aw she's so cute!"
The man - "yes isn't she just!"
The woman - They stare at Lexie with a warm smile "you look like such a young mother, but you are amazing with her. She looks like she really loves her mummy huh, do you love your mommy sweetie?" She asked Zola, who had no reaction to this and wasn't bothered by all of the fuss and attention given to her either.
Lexie looked shocked and equally as flattered by this compliment

Lexie - "oh haha thank you, but she's not mine she's my sisters."
The woman - "well you are doing a great job with her, do you have any kids of your own?"
Lexie - "No, no I don't" she said looking down now almost in shame
The woman - "Yet" she said giving Lexie a small wink and walking away
The man - "don't let that natural talent of being a mother slip past you, you'd be amazing" he whispered before joining his wife.

As Lexie packed up the remaining groceries, she smiled at Zola with gratitude, a certain look in her eyes she only saved for some.

After gettting back to the apartment Lexie cradled Zola in her arms and fed her a bottle

Lexie - "So this is what it feels like huh? Comforting. Like you are the hero. Maybe I should rethink having kids after all" she sighed looking down again at a sleeping Zola, her miniscule hands wrapped around lexi's finger like a panda clinging to its bamboo. A peck on her cheek and Lexie put Zola in her crib cautiously
And watched her sleep for a while, thinking, wondering, analysing her future with...Well, she thought she knew but she pushed him away and now he has Julie.

A sudden knock at the door startled Lexie to her feet. She walked hanging her tired head low,her eyes flickering now and opened the door to.....

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