Chapter 2 - the unexpected visitor

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Lexie - "Um hi Cristina, are you okay? I-"
Cristina runs in the house, past the drowsy Lexie stood at the door and started pacing up and down continuously

Cristina - "I don't need your help Lexipedia, I'm fine"

Lexie looking rather bewildered now, took her chance and asked Cristina...

Lexie - "Well, um what are you doing here then?"She said cupping her heavy head in her hands now

Cristina- "It's not me who's not fine, its well..its"

Lexie - "who Cristina? No offence but I'm so tired and if this is just another relationship problem I cant help you and- "
Christina swiftly cuts off Lexie, her panic becoming more visible now.

Cristina- "shut up Lexie, SHUT UP! I'm just going to tell you now, I clearly can't keep this in. It's Mark, Julie, she ran him over. "

Lexie looked up from her hands, in pure shell shock.

Lexie - "Well is he okay? What are his injuries? Why did she

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Lexie - "Well is he okay? What are his injuries? Why did she...ugh I don't care just TAKE ME TO HIM CRISTINA"

Cristina - "okay, my cars outside"

Lexie soon realised a sleeping Zola was still in the apartment and didn't want to wake her at this time of night

Lexie - "scrap that plan, Cristina you're going to have to take care of Zola. There's diapers in her bag, give her a bottle if she wakes up...You'll be fine!"

Lexie said this with absolute confidence in Cristina and thorough panic too while she gathered her coat and bag before driving to the hospital. She drove at the fastest speed, not caring for the first time in her life of the speed limits.

When she arrived at Seattle Grace she ran through the doors, determination in her face, her heart, and her mind. A picture of Mark flashed in her mind,  of him smiling and kissing her lips softly. Their best moments together had to play on her mind at this moment of course, the moment when she knew in her heart that he may not be okay (mentally or physically). She ran past everybody in the ER, attempting to find somebody that she knew, some form of life, some reminder of Mark. There was no sign of anybody, besides the odd intern here and there, but they were no good to her. She finally found Kepner who already looked at Lexie with the sympathy look , the same one she had from ex Chief Webber and Meredith after her mum passed.

April - *attempting to keep her positivity up now* Hey Lexie, how are-
She is swiftly cut off by a hysterical Lexie

Lexie - "April drop it, just tell me where HE is!! She said this with force, but not loud enough to catch others attention"

April - "Lexie, before I take you to him he's just got out of surgery and he doesn't exactly look his best. I just don't want you to see him that way if you aren't prepared"

Mark and Lexie - Let's Start Over Where stories live. Discover now