Chapter 11 - The dangerous game of pain

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Derek - "Lexie'' he began sharply, before toning his voice down slightly, "what exactly did Olivia mean when she told me to tell you that she loves you? What relation do yo have to this patient? Because you need to out of my OR now if you two are related"

Derek - "Lexie'' he began sharply, before toning his voice down slightly, "what exactly did Olivia mean when she told me to tell you that she loves you? What relation do yo have to this patient? Because you need to out of my OR now if you two are ...

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Lexie - "Derek, I'm not related to her...relax. We just connected earlier when we spoke. She needed somebody to be there for her, and I was that person. She was lonely, and she is a child so i am not going to leave her to be lonely. Trust me, i know how that feels." Lexie said, her voice trailing off as she realised she had over shared at that particular moment.

Derek didn't say much else on the subject, his eyes really did all of the talking and they were very reassuring and almost accepting of Lexie's talk with Olivia. They just continued with the surgery for several more hours, with only brief more personal chats about when Lexie could babysit Zola for Mer and Derek.

Meanwhile, Mark was with the doctor who did in fact give him the all clear for sex. This was the happiest news Mark had received in months...maybe years. To finally be intimate with his girlfriend...Who was now Lexie, who was his soulmate. Best. News. Ever. He couldn't wait to tell Lexie, so thanked the OB and headed straight for the OR where he knew Lexie would be.

He walked in confidently, a smile beaming across his face. He grabbed a mask and put it over his face excitedly, as his hand shook. That was until he saw Derek walking past him ripping his gloves off and slamming them into the bin angrily. His head followed Derek as he walked out of the OR completely, without following him, as he peered in through the glass windows at Lexie who's voice broke the distance between them, its sharpness mixed with her stammer proved to be loud enough for all to hear.

Lexie: "time of death, 13:45" she spoke
Mark looked sad, his eyebrows forming an arch, giving her the sympathetic look

Lexie cupped her hands underneath Olivia's chin, as the rest of her body was covered up. Mark gave the scrub nurses in the OR a look, which they figured out to be a 'give the girl some time alone with the dead child' look. Not usual for some, but was used very often in the world of surgery. They left the room, unscrubbing as they did while Mark stayed looking through the windows at Lexie silently so she wouldn't notice him watching her.

Lexie stroked Olivia's head, tucking her baby hairs behind her ears.

Lexie - through sobs whispered "you really were too good for this world Liv. You know" she paused before adding "I wish I could've found you sooner, I wish I could've been your big sister, secretly I'd hope we'd have been best friends. You needed somebody. I'm sorry" she broke down more, now cupping her own head in her hands.

Lexie shook her head as though she was a wet dog, the resemblance almost uncanny. Then she took a huge breath, moved closer to Olivia's head and began talking again

Lexie: "My sister wasn't very good at first, she rejected me just after my mum had passed. Nobody liked me. I was all alone. To tell you I didn't feel like dying would've been a lie. I didn't want to be here, and sometimes I still don't. But, then I met the most perfect man, and then my sister started loving me and her husband started to love me like he loved his sisters, and I began thinking...huh, that's what I missed out on. I just...I wanted to save you. But I was too late."

She kissed her head gently "look after my mom for me, okay angel" and she covered her face up before heading out of the OR (which Mark had thankfully just escaped just in time, but after hearing everything).

Mark headed into the gents room, and looking in the mirror, his hands grasped to the sink face down sobbing. In the ladies room, doing almost the exact same was a devastated Lexie who took one look at herself in the mirror, and with her hand punched it. Her anger and grief went straight through the mirror, shattering it and Lexie's hand completely. She rolled down the wall, sobbing, her hand bleeding endlessly. But in many ways, the pain it gave her relieved her.

That relief was the start of a very dangerous game for Lexie Grey

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That relief was the start of a very dangerous game for Lexie Grey.

The end of this chapter, what did you think? What do you think Lexie will struggle with in this upcoming storyline? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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