Chapter 23 - Dr Greene

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Mark's face dropped, and anger bubbled inside of him. Just as things were looking up, they had to be ruined.

Mark carried on walking past him, a very confused Lexie following along until he felt a tug. Lexie was grabbed on the arm by Dr Greene.

Mark - "Seriously Greene what are you doing?" He asked furiously removing his hands from Lexies arm

Dr Greene - "Well nice to see you too Sloan. But this is my patient you have here, what in gods name do you think you're doing taking her away?" He declared confidently grabbing Lexies arm again

 But this is my patient you have here, what in gods name do you think you're doing taking her away?" He declared confidently grabbing Lexies arm again

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Mark - "Jack leave it. The nurse said its fine to take her home as long as she attends weekly full day therapy sessions, and isn't left alone at home. And get your damn hands off her" he said raising his voice more noticeably

Dr Greene - "No, there's no way you're taking her. She is dangerous; crazy should i say, oh and now what exactly did you say to the nurse to discharge Lexie huh?...or should i say what was your technique when you bribed her in the on-call room with-"

Mark stood in front of him, letting go of Lexie, his torso raging against Dr Greenes small stature.

Mark - he lifted his finger, "Now don't you dare call her that, and don't you ever assume I have gone back to my old ways

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Mark - he lifted his finger, "Now don't you dare call her that, and don't you ever assume I have gone back to my old, YOU" and before he could carry on he stopped himself as he realised people were watching, unstable people, and that it could disturb their wellbeing even more. He let out a breath, and stepped back towards Lexie grabbing her hand

Dr Greene - "Well, you've made quite the scene here Dr Sloan, do we have to lock you up in here too?" He jokingly said

Lexie - "Now stop it. STOP. Stop talking to him as though I'm not stood right here, as though I'm not your patient. Are you forgetting we are doctors too, what you've just done is breached the rules of doctor patient confidentiality...We could report you for that. Oh and we could report you for harassment towards another doctor, along with the use of the word 'crazy' when referring to a mentally ill patient" Lexie spoke with a large level of confidence, which shocked Mark and Callie.

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