Chapter 10 - Lexie's lesson

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Lexie - "Um...Mark" she said under her breath, "Mark" she called elbowing him

Mark - "Lex What is it?"

Lexie - "people are staring...You know, at me" she says her cheeks a fiery red colour

Mark looks around, carefully acknowledging the stares at Lexie. He realises then why people might be so nosy. He looks up to see Lexie looking uncomfortable, sweat slipping through her fingers and colliding with his, her breathing heavy and her lip being impaled by her teeth, and he pulled her into the nearest elevator in an attempt to escape.

Mark - "Lex, it's okay now alright? They were looking at you because of the Julia thing, it was in local newspapers and stuff. It's because people aren't used to seeing me with you again. "

Lexie - "Yeah, I guess you're right" she says as she exhales

Her breathing then starts to calm down and she wipes her sweaty hands on her top, shaking them and taking a huge, quick exhale before the elevator starts moving upwards, and Mark pulls her into a hug

They walk out, as more people get on, still staring at Lexie (which she tried to ignore). They were headed the right way, until Mark pulled her  to the side of the barrier that looked over the entire hospital. Her eyes widened as he did.

Mark - "Right, I would just like to say that this here is my girlfriend Lexie Grey. I am Mark Sloan, you all know me, you all know my story. But what you don't get to know or think you know is my new story which yes does involve Lexie Grey. Don't look and don't stare at her. Just leave your judgemental glares at home" he announces in front of the hospital with everybody's attention on him, and a very red Lexie, smiling over at him, slightly embarrassed.

They both walked off, and Mark wrapped his arm around Lexie who made herself very small now in his large arms and his towering figure that stood over her.

Lexie - "w..wh..why did you do that?" her nervous stutter preventing her speech

Mark - "I'm sorry I just had to, I needed to."

Lexie - "don't say sorry it was hot, you protecting me like that" she said softly pressing her lips against his, on her tip toes trying to reach his

They walked through the doors, and were greeted with the familiar faces they were craving.

"Mark!" Everybody exclaimed with excitement bursting out of them

Derek - "nice to see you back Mark" he said giving him the man shake, and hug along with Chief Hunt and Dr Webber

Lexie smiled to everybody before realising the time, "I've got to go Mark, I have post-ops before working with Shepard" she said before unhooking her hands from his

Mark - taking in the attention now before answering "okay Lex, see you later" swiftly before she left, looking rather disappointed with her blunt reply

Lexie got herself changed into her scrubs and ran to Derek, who was stood where he was 10 minutes ago with Mark still.

Lexie - "Mark you have your appointment now with you know who" she exclaimed under her breath, attempting to be subtle

Mark - laughed at this "Lex it's fine, you can say it. I'm going to get the all clear from the doc for sex" she winked at Derek who stared at an embarrassed Lexie again for the 100th time today

Lexie - "Well go then or you'll be getting nothing from me mister" she laughs going along with it

Mark - "right then I'm going now and not later because I am hor-"

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