Chapter 9 - Returning. Good or Bad?

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It had been 2 weeks, Mark had been resting up, only attending the odd physio sessions when Lexie was available to be there for moral support. Although he had struggled, he eventually got there after seeing the attention he got from Lexie (especially) when he achieved another step. He remembered one time specifically a week ago, when he walked from the end of the two bars to the other end. She clapped for him until bringing her two clasped hands together up to her face smiling through teary eyes. She looked so proud, and that made Mark carry on.

Now, he was ready for work. He could go back. That morning he woke up and got ready, slightly sore and achey but he felt energised. He needed one last all clear from the Dr and then he was back. Lexie walked out of the bathroom with only her underwear on. Marks eyes gazed at her top to bottom.

Mark - "Well, morning Lex" he said laughing through a cough

Lexi - "Morning" she said quickly rushing around for her clothes

Mark realised that Lexie hadn't realised herself that she was making it very hard for Mark to resist pulling her towards him and-

We mustn't discuss what else was on his mind, but I'm sure its an easy guess.

Mark - "Lex, your clothes are here" he pointed to the bed where he had laid her clothes out neatly

Lexie - "aw you got them all out for me, and folded them. Whats gotten you this happy?"

Mark - "Well you walked out here in nothing but underwear oh and it's my first day back at work" he said smirking

Lexie - "Oh my god, I completely forgot i have no clothes on. Haha sorry to burst your bubble" she started as Mark pulled her closer towards him ''You haven't had the all clear on-"

Mark - "Yes, sex I know. But that doesn't mean I cant do this-"

Lexie - pulls herself away "Yes, yes it does

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Lexie - pulls herself away "Yes, yes it does. I know its been a long time, but I promise it will be magical when we do it again. But that isnt now. You'll be mad if you don't have full motion" she laughs and he does with her

 You'll be mad if you don't have full motion" she laughs and he does with her

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Mark - "HEY, my motion is always good. Get back here!" He shouts laughing and throwing his top at her as she left the room just in time to dodge the shirt.

She got herself ready, brewed some coffee quickly for them both and opened the door calling after Mark

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She got herself ready, brewed some coffee quickly for them both and opened the door calling after Mark

"Coming honey" he sarcastically called to Lexie who found it very cute. She liked the little nicknames in relationships, especially with Mark

When they got to the hospital, Mark called out "Well long time no see", to which Lexie replied "Babe, it's been 2 weeks..." Mark chose to ignore this knowing Lexie was right.

Lexie - "You ready?'' She said as she looked up at him, her hands slipping into his snakily

Mark - "Lets do this" he said, determined

They walked inside together, their power as a couple surrounding the hospital and everyone around could see. Lexie felt quite conscious because although she told herself that it was all in her head, people were really staring. But, she just assumed it was because of his accident and seeing Mark back on his feet. However, Lexie proved to be very wrong indeed....

The end of Chapter 9, the shortest chapter i have EVER written but i though the ending cliffhanger was good to keep you all on your toes for a few hours before i write and release Chapter 10 tonight. Please let me know what you are thinking so far. I think because of how well you guys have enjoyed these chapters so far, that i will actually be writing a full book. So, keep voting and following me for updates. Tell your friends to read to :)

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