Chapter 27 - books & relationships

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Lexie looked around, picking books up and reading their blurbs and putting them down or adding them to her pile. This cycle continued for at least half an hour. Meredith looked around too, but finished in 5 minutes. She just couldn't bring herself to interrupt Lexie...She was too much in her element.

Lexie - "hmm...10 books! I can't choose 10 books." She mumbled aloud, whilst trying to narrow down her choices.

Meredith - "Need some help?" She asked, taking the top 3 books from her large pile and putting them aside

Lexie - "Yes, i just cant decide which books i want and which I don't need"

Meredith - "Well how about get the first 4 today and then once you have read them get the next 4? A compromise? And i mean when you go back to work soon you'll be occupied and wont have time for too much reading" she laughs but catches Lexie looking disappointed

Meredith - "what did i say Lex? Is it work?"

She pauses trying to think of an answer

Lexie - "Okay, I'll put the other 4 books back. Can you hold these? I'll be right back" she smiles as she passes the thick pile to Meredith who stumbles from the weight of the pile

Lexie - "adult fiction, science fiction, where are you?" She whispers trying to navigate her way around the sections to return the books

She doesn't pay attention to who is near her, and bumps straight into somebody. She reaches for the pile of books from the floor

Lexie - "Oh my goodness I am so clumsy. I'm so sorry."

She looks up, and her face turns from a sympathy smile to a frown rather abruptly

She looks up, and her face turns from a sympathy smile to a frown rather abruptly

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Lexie - "....Dad?"

Thatcher - "Lexie I-I'm sorry i didn't call, how are you?" He smiles, completely unaware of the last few months and the difficulty of them for Lexie

Meredith turns the corner to find the two stood in the science fiction section, Lexie's shock and sadness evident on her face, and to her utter shock too, her father

Meredith turns the corner to find the two stood in the science fiction section, Lexie's shock and sadness evident on her face, and to her utter shock too, her father

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Meredith rushes over

Meredith - "Dad...What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were ill?" She says harshly, knowing Lexie is also wondering the same

Thatcher - "Girls it's so great to see you both" he touches Lexie's arm, but she edges backwards in line with Meredith

Lexie - "Dad...just don't okay?" She whispers sighing

Meredith - "cut the crap, why haven't you called?"

Thatcher - "Look, I got better but it made me depressed. Your mothers death-" she stops, realising both of the sisters mothers had passed, "both of your mothers deaths haunted me, and I couldn't sleep, eat, move or leave the house. I was numb. The medication I was on made me feel that way constantly, and still does sometimes. I have less now. But I didn't want to burden you girls. I couldn't. I wouldn't. Not after everything."

Meredith - "Okay, we get it you have had a hard few months but I can't believe I'm even having to remind you of this again, but we are your daughters. You're burdening us by keeping us away from you. Especially Lexie who you loved and was there for for her entire life until now...until when she most needed you. Have you got ANY idea how much she has dealt with, but she continued to send you emails and letters."

Thatcher - "I got them. I have every single one. I just couldn't reply. But that isn't any excuse. I'm sorry okay? So what has happened? Are you okay Lex?" He looks scared now as he looks at his daughter

Lexie - "It-it doesn't matter. Lets just go Mer. I'd rather not deal with this crap right now. The biggest burden isn't your illness i have learned dad, but instead is your absence and inability to show up for somebody."

She turns away with Meredith linking arms with her. They pay for the books, and get into the car as quickly as they can to avoid him chasing after them.

Lexie - "Mer, I'm sorry. You didn't have to say anything."

Meredith moves her head to look at Lexie for a swift second, before her eyes went back to the road

Meredith - "It's okay Lexie, don't worry. Let's just get home and get ready for the party. Forget it yeah?"

Lexie is hesitant, and decides not to test her sisters patience now

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Lexie is hesitant, and decides not to test her sisters patience now. Not before a huge social event that filled her thoughts more than seeing her dad after months did. Luckily...Or maybe not.

Authors note:
The end of chapter 27 - I am so sorry for the late chapter. It has been a while, but I'm sure you can understand that COVID, lockdown, isolation and going back to School have been huge burdens for me. My mental health has taken a hit, but its okay because I am back! Please comment and let me know what you want to see happen at the party in the next chapter. One amazing encouragement for me carrying on this fan fiction was seeing that CHYLER (LEXIE) IS THIS WEEKS GREYS BEACH GUEST! Lexie is my comfort character, so knowing that i can see her at least one last time has been so so comforting for me this week. I hope it has for you guys too! Oh and if you can, please check out my Avengers fan fiction, if you're a fan of the marvel cinematic universe. It would mean the world, and it's a fan fiction (other than this one) which i consider my best writing work. I hope you are all well, see you soon! :)

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