Chapter 26 - Shopping Trip!

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They finally arrived, and Lexie actually felt excited, and it had been a long while since she had felt that way. Meredith got out the car, and pulled open Lexies door (as Mark did for her always), and Lexie thanked her laughing awkwardly.

Meredith - "right, where should we go first? The book store or the dress store for your outfit for the party?" Meredith asks linking her arm in Lexies enthused

Lexie - "do I really have to buy a new outfit for a party...I wasn't even wanting to go" she says looking at Meredith softly, hoping she'll sympathise.

Meredith - "to the dress store we go first. I'm not not having my sister there Lexie, you're coming and I'm sure it'll help you and mark connect some more when he sees you in your new dress"

Lexie - "Meredith we're connecting...what do you mean?" She asks slightly taken aback

Meredith - "no I just meant because you guys probably haven't you know-"

Lexie - "yeah you're right, we haven't" she pauses, and stays silent

Meredith - "well that's what I mean, I'm sure it will help right? Come on" and she leads Lexie to the store in the distance

Once they arrive Lexie looks around as does an eager Meredith. Lexie stares at one specific dress, her eyes widened by it.

Meredith comes over and interrupts

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Meredith comes over and interrupts

Meredith - "Lexie, do you like that one? You haven't taken your eyes away from it, lets try it on!" She says putting an arm on lexies shoulder to waken her from the trance she was in

Lexie returns to reality nervously, and replies to Meredith with hesitancy "No no it's okay, it wouldn't look goof on me anyway" she said smiling, and walking away

Meredith picked up the strapless, gold coloured mini dress and did a little run towards a now browsing Lexie.

Meredith - "You're trying this on, I don't care what your say" and Meredith grabs Lexie leading her too the dressing rooms

Lexie grabs the dress and sighs as she heads into the room, the room with mirrors...Great!

Lexie takes off her clothes, and steps into the dress

Lexie - "Meredith can you come and zip me up please?" She asks through the thin curtain. Meredith does so, and leaves to allow Lexie the first stare at the dress she so loved on the mannequin

Lexie stared for a while, but the one detail that caught her eye were her bandaged up arms. She couldn't go to a party like this, she just couldn't. But, its too late to hide before Meredith pulls the curtain in a rush to see Lexie all dressed up

Lexie turns around, clutching her arms shyly, and Meredith stands in shock.

Meredith - "Lex you look...Wow. " she says smiling

Meredith senses something is wrong as she stands, Meredith - "Lex what's wrong, you look amazing!"

Lexie tears up before answering "Because Meredith look at my arms, I look stupid. Everybody will be able to clearly see the blood stained bandages, I-I don't know if this party is such a good idea" she cries

 Everybody will be able to clearly see the blood stained bandages, I-I don't know if this party is such a good idea" she cries

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Meredith sits her down on the chair in the dressing room, and hugs her gently "Lexie, nobody cares but you. I didn't want to tell you this, but most of the hospital already knows about what happened, most of them were there when you 'broke out' of the ward...Most of them heard from gossip if they didn't witness it. They are all just concerned about you. Nobody will be judging the way you think they will okay? Everybody loves you Lex, the nurses on-call love you, the doctors, surgeons, me, Derek, Mark, Jo, Cristina, even if she doesn't always show it, Owen, April, Jackson, Alex...everybody. You know that my kids love you too. So, if anything it's just a concerned judgement, and if anybody even makes a sly comment Mark will be right there to defend you and so will Derek, because Derek absolutely adores you too. Now, we are getting this dress, so go get changed"

Lexie wipes her tears, and laughs briefly at Meredith's speech before embracing her into a hug "Thank you Mer, thank you so much for everything" and Meredith gives a smile back.

Lexie is changed quickly, and they are soon out of the store

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Lexie is changed quickly, and they are soon out of the store. Meredith paid for the dress, and Lexie would NOT allow it, so paid for their lunch in exchange.

The next stop is the book store, I wonder what could happen there....

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