Chapter 15 - discovering the worst

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She got in her car, and took her phone out checking to see if Mark had tried to call or had messaged her...but he hadn't, and in all honesty she was hoping he hadn't. She couldn't deal with his accusations of...the dreaded word. She put her phone back in her bag, and drove in pure silence listening to nothing but the Seattle rain outside her window. It had started to get dark already and late too, but it didn't stop Lexie at all.

Once she was there, she got out and ran in through the rain and pushed open the doors. She walked through, pushing her wet strands of hair behind her head. She sighed a large breathe of relief "I'm here, I'm safe. Let's do this"

She walked past everybody, their voices a distant echo in the background, as the ones in her head controlled her

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She walked past everybody, their voices a distant echo in the background, as the ones in her head controlled her. She got into on-call room to change into her scrubs, and wrap her wrists in bandages, leaving her hands wound bare. She only did this quickly, as Lexie's patience was just about gone today. She just needed to be in that OR and not consumed by her devil.

April walked past Lexie as she picked up the nearest iPad to check on what surgeries were scheduled, and post-ops needed doing. April came to a quick halt as she saw Lexie checking what needed doing. She rushed over, and took the iPad.

April - "Lexie, what are you doing here? Aren't you, um

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April - "Lexie, what are you doing here? Aren't you, um...sick?" she said with suspicion in her tone

Lexie looked at her, annoyed and replied "no I um guess it was just a scare" and took the iPad back from April

As Lexie walked away, April went to find Derek to tell him possibly the worst thing about Lexie that could ever be exposed and one thing Lexie didn't appreciate was snitching...and this, felt just like it.

Lexie saw Meredith with a patient in the ER, and swiftly caught up with her and the gurney.

Lexie - "hey Mer, can I jump on this one with you?" She asked, gripping her hands to the end of the gurney, to let her sister know she wasn't going to let go and she was ready.

Meredith - "sure but I thought.."

Lexie - "yep you thought I was ill, but I'm fine it was just a scare. I need this, I'm ready for this" she spoke, determined

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