Chapter 12 - Mark notices

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Lexie soon realised after her episode, that her blood was pouring everywhere and wouldn't stop. As she stood up to subtly find some supplies and sneak out of the restroom, a voice in her head screeched at her, 'YOU DESERVE MORE PUNISHMENT LEXIE. YOU KILLED A CHILD. '
For the time being she chose to ignore the voice, while running out of the room holding her hand to her chest.

As she did, Mark walked out of the men's room wiping his face and looking up, his nostrils flaring. He saw a streak of brunette hair curl around the corner of the supply room one which he knew all too well. He walked, with a little run towards it, opening the door (which had now closed on him).

Mark called out quickly as he flung the door open "Lexie!" and looked around but he could see no sign of his girlfriend anywhere so he gave up and walked out confused at how he had mistaken such familiar hair, but not so confused considering the amount of nurses he had slept with in the hospital. But, as Mark closed the door and walked away, a scared Lexie peered through a tiny crack in the door to make sure he had gone.

Lexie stood up, after hiding behind a case full of bandages, and grabbed one with force, some falling to the ground as she did. She opened a bandage and wrapped it around her arm tightly to stop the bleeding.This was a quick fix, as she had to go and meet Mark I the lobby at the end of her shift and his, so that he wouldn't worry. After tying the bandage she wiped her eyes, took a huff of air and went to pack her things and change. Luckily, Lexie's shirt was long sleeved and oversized from her fluctuation of weight a while back, so it covered her hands. As she packed her things from her locker into her bag, April walked on huffing and puffing about a bad surgery, also packing her things.

April - "I cant believe my surgery today. The nerve Arizona had to ban me from her OR over something so petty...ugh" she huffed before looking down at the floor, picking up her surgery books that had dropped out of her locker. She noticed some blood dripping from Lexie's jacket.

April - "Lexie....Are you okay? You look like you're bleeding" she spoke, rather concerned for her

Lexie - "Yeah April I'm fine. Just a surgery went wrong, that's all it is" she reassured her gently

April looked over at her, not at all convinced but left it to avoid the argument.

Lexie walked out of the room, her bag over her arm tucking her sleeves under her palms more to soak in the excess blood leaking through her bandage. She was feeling exposed, even covered. April's suspicions had made her feel naked almost, but she just carried on down the hall with the thought of only Mark in her head. She hurried along,running down the stairs to greet him.

When she saw him waiting, she just couldn't wait to hug him and to spend the night and morning with him. She reached closer and closer to where he was stood, and wrapped her little arms around him and covered his eyes

Lexie - "guess who?" She questioned enticingly

Mark - turning around "well I don't know, maybe I'll find out if I kiss you" he replied with a smirk
as he kissed Lexie's lips softly

He pulls away, and holds onto her shoulders "what's gotten into you Lex?" He questioned with a small wink

Lexi - "Can I not miss my handsome boyfriend for a day huh?" she said kissing him again

Mark - "hmm...I hope this good mood lasts until we get home" they both laughed at this, Lexi replying with a "I guess I can keep it up" as they walked out together hand in hand (as they usually did).

When they got home, they started with a glass of alcohol (very much needed after their day). When Lexie had finished her first glass, she stood up to dance
Lexie - "you like my dancing mark? Am I goooood?" She said giving a little wiggle towards his lap

Mark looked at her laughing, "yes Lex I love it, but when did you become such a lightweight? One glass, really?"

Lexie - "whatever" she said as she moved herself closer to him.

He grabbed her legs this time, sitting her on his lap, and kissing her slowly but aggressively. They both smiled, Lexie more laughing, as she lifted off the ground, Mark taking her to his bedroom now

Once they were in there, Lexie pulled off Mark's shirt revealing his toned body, and Mark undid her shirt taking it off her shoulders revealing her bra. Lexie all of a sudden realised her arms, and tried to pull her shirt back on. But, Mark seemed to have least noticed

Lexie - "wait waitt" she said, "I have work tomorrow we can't....we can't do this now" she shouted alarmingly loud while fastening her buttons

Mark took his hands to hold her face, and massaging her shoulders to calm her down.

Mark - "Lex...What, what's happened to your arms?" He asked panicking and grabbing her hands to see the blood covered bandages

Lexie - "Mark get off! I'm fine okay, I just can't do this now. A surgery went's fine. Can you just hug me, hug me really tightly" she said slipping her pj bottoms on, panicking now

Mark went closer to her, and embraced her, his large arms managing to bury both her body and her head. He looked up as if for guidance from above, as he knew that this wasn't good, but he tried helplessly in those minutes that they sat there embraced, to believe that everything was just fine.

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