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The sounds of the ocean waves crashed against the wooden belly of the ship. Seagulls squawked carefree while the sun's rays danced across everything it touched. Cotton clouds were scattered about the heavens, mixing perfectly with the bright blue sky. 

It was the world's most beautiful day to be out at sea.

Giggles came from Evelyn as she stepped out of the cabin, wandering out on to the deck of the ship. Her white, lounging dress swayed around her legs as she glowed in the sun's light. The sweet sounds turned higher as her husband reached her, holding her waist from behind. A few months they had been out at sea, sailing on their ship. The Daring Rose, was what they called it. A name that both Will and Evelyn decided together the day the first sailed her. Their friends and family adored the ship's name, thinking it was perfect.

Even more so now, as the soared over the roaring waves, The Daring Rose seemed to glide over the ocean surface with such ease and speed.

One might even say she was bolder than The Black Pearl.

Will pressed a kiss to Evelyn's temple, still holding her from behind. "The only time in our lives out at sea we aren't either being hunted by England, or purposefully venturing out after something, or someone." He spoke to Evelyn, eyes glued to the sky above.

A hum came from Evelyn as she leaned back into his chest. "Quite nice actually. I could get used to sailing like this." The cheeky smile on her face only grew as she looked back at Will, her husband now staring down at her.

There was a full smile there, showing the lines by his eyes. "As can I." Leaning down, Will pressed a kiss on Evelyn's lips, molding them perfectly together. Evelyn's hands rested on his arms, gripping them in hopes he never removed them from her.

Laughter, such care-free laughter, came from Henry as he leaned back from over the railing. "They both are gaining on us!" He shouted to his still kissing parents.

Against their better judgement, the two parted, looking at Henry slightly flustered.

Carina had been up at the helm, sailing The Daring Rose. She too let out care-free laughter from up above Will and Evelyn. "Captain! I think you better take the wheel from here." Such a comment brought laughter from the married couple, causing them to part.

Will looked back down at Evelyn, still beaming. "Duty calls, my lady." He bowed to her apologetically.

"All is forgiven, Captain." Evelyn giggled, playing along with her husband.

As he turned to hurry up the stairs to the helm, he shouted to her. "You know, you are also Captain of this ship as well."

Evelyn placed her hands on her hips, watching him run to where Carina eagerly waited to move from. "Believe me, I know that, darling." Carina moved from the helm, allowing Will to take her place. The young girl moved down the stairs, her soft, sage color dress swishing along as she moved. Since the first moment they met Carina, to this point now, she had blossomed into a beautiful, free-spirit. No doubt still the toughest, intelligent woman alive, but she lived life and moved about as a flowing ocean breeze.

The young girl came up to Evelyn, taking her hands. "Do you really think we can win?" Excitement poured out of her words and voice, enough to make Evelyn laugh.

"I don't see why not. Only if a certain someone plays fair." Evelyn furrowed her brows suspiciously, turning her hair to see The Black Pearl approaching much faster than she once was. Her jaw dropped at this. "Unbelievable." She spoke aloud, pulling Carina to rush up to the railing, looking at the ship came right up beside hers. Jack stood at the helm, a grin plastered on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing. "You're cheating!" Evelyn screamed to the pirate. "You are only suppose to have the same amount of people helping sail the ship as the rest of us." She added, looking over Jack's entire crew running about the ship.

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