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Evelyn leaned back against the railing, smiling to herself. Her eyes surveyed the crowd aboard the Black Pearl as the beloved ship sailed back to Port Royal. The tension began to drain from her shoulders the furthered they traveled. Tension seemed to drain from everyone the more she studied her friends and family. The look of exhaustion was instantly replaced by pure happiness as everyone mingled.

Turning her head, she looked to Henry and Carina still standing close to one another. A hidden blush crept on their cheeks as they spoke quietly. It wasn't any secret at this point that they shared feelings for one another. Anyone who could look at the two could instantly tell.

She wondered what would become of the two when they arrived back in Port Royal. Would they admit their feelings or say goodbye like two friends without saying a word?

Questions buzzed around her skull the longer she looked to them.

However, Charlie's loud laughter caught her ear.

Evelyn snapped her head forward. Across the deck, Charlie and Amelia stood with Jack and Leo. Assuming by Jack's dramatic hand gestures and facial expressions, he was telling the three a story.

The sight brought a smile to her face. She had hoped one day for the children to be around their uncle Jack, listening to his many adventurous stories. This is what she wanted for them to experience too, being out at sea like she did at their age. Evelyn would have to give her deepest thanks to Leo when they returned home.

Suddenly, Henry walked over towards his uncles, brother, and sister with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Confused, Evelyn turned her head to look where he originally stood with Carina. She saw the young girl standing with her father Barbossa. The slight awkward and hesitance in their body language and verbal exchanged gave Evelyn the idea of what they might be talking about.

Evelyn gave a smile knowing they wouldn't notice. She was happy they found each other again, to get to know each other as father and daughter.

Returning her gaze to her own family, she continued to observe them. Despite being exhausted, they were all glowing with happiness.

It warmed her heart to see them so.

A sly hand snaked its way around Evelyn's waist; but she didn't have to turn to know who it belonged too. A small smirked formed on her lips as she leaned into the touch. Turning her head, she met Will's dark eyes that were almost glowing. The smile rested on his handsome face, showing the lines by his eyes. Will looked happy, really happy.

Evelyn felt herself begin to smile as she stared at him. She turned her body more, allowing her husband to pull her closer to his chest. "Are you happy, my love?" She asked, snaking her hands up his chest.

Will's eyes were still on her. His other hand wrapped around her body as well, now fully embracing her. "I am. I'm very happy." He replied. The wind blew around them, almost pushing them closer together. It wove its way around them. Will's long, dark hair flew forward, meeting Evelyn's long strawberry blonde waves. Their hair were beginning to dance with each other without them even noticing it.

"Good." Evelyn nodded, tilting her head further back to look at him.

"What are you doing?" Will questioned, motioned with his head towards the lively deck of the Black Pearl.

This made Evelyn chuckle.

She turned her chin, looking around at her children. "I'm just merely observing the crowd. That's all." She replied softly, looking back up at him.

"You've always been so observant." A slight bit of teasing in his words.

The strawberry blonde gave a simple shrug, nodding in agreement. "I just like to take in my surroundings. Absorb it as much as I can before it's all gone." She explained, leaning her head on his chest. "Seeing the children looking happy, seeing you happy, just makes me happy. Being here on this ship again makes me happy." Evelyn pulled her head back to meet Will's eyes again.

She saw the gentle smile wasn't only on his lips but all over his face. "It makes me happy to see you happy." Will said, pushing Evelyn's wet hair out of her face. "I love you." He spoke softly, his eyes pouring into her's.

"And I love you." Evelyn replied, sliding a hand up to cup his cheek. "Are you ready to see your father finally free?" She asked but already knew the answer.

Will nodded, his smiling faltering. "I just hope we weren't too late." He replied, moving his gaze away from her face.

Evelyn felt her smile falter as well. "We aren't. I know we aren't. I have a feeling we're going to be seeing him much sooner than you think." She found herself nodding, turning his chin to make him look back at her. "Trust me."

Nodding, Will couldn't help but give a small smile. "I do. You're gut feelings never let me down before. Besides," he turned to look at his children now all socializing happily with each other. "I shouldn't worry." Evelyn turned her head to look with him, smiling softly as her grown children stood along Jack, listening to him speak.

"Evelyn," Will spoke, capturing her attention again. She turned to look at him but he didn't quite meet her eye contact just yet. "I can't thank you enough for what you did for me. You've always been by my side, helping me in more ways than one."

A soft expression was painted on Evelyn's face. "You don't need to thank me." She replied.

"But I do." Now Will looked back to her. "All our lives we've spent together, you have always been there for me. This is probably the most important thing. Thank you, my love."

She could see the look of utter most, appreciation written in his facial features. His eyes is what spoke true emotion. He didn't cry, no, but the emotional feel was there. Evelyn didn't realize how much this meant to him. She knew to a degree but never this much.

"I'd do anything for you." Evelyn's hands moved to his arms, pulling them from her waist. Slowly, she took his rough hands and grasped them in her softer hands. Her eyes met his again, melting into his stare like she always did. "You are my love, my life. I know you'd save my father if I asked you too. Besides," her face fell slightly. "I think we both owe it to Bootstrap." The recall of the memory of the final battle all those years ago resurfaced in her mind.

Will gave a little nod, flicking his eyes down to their hands. He pulled them up to his face and pressed lips against her knuckles. A blush coated Evelyn's cheeks as Will held eye contact with her, while kissing her knuckles.

When he pulled away, he held their hands to his chest. "Thank you for being my loving wife, for giving me beautiful children, and for being my best friend."

A wide, deep smile bloomed on Evelyn's face. She let a few giggles slip out, taking a step forward towards him. Will craned his neck down as Evelyn stood on her toes to meet his lips half way.

In their mind, it felt like centuries had passed since the last time their lips touched.

Whenever they kissed, everything felt right.

Hello my lovely readers! I hope you all are doing well lately💕

Enjoy this sweet, little chapter! I wrote my chapter list and it seems I got quite a bit left to write for the book. Hopefully you all will stick around.

Thank you as always for reading, commenting, and voting!

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