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The crunching of the dirt road beneath their boots came to a sharp halt, the steps that lead to the front door kissing the toe of their boots.


They were finally home after being away for weeks.

Evelyn let out a sigh of relief, the feeling at such ease seeing her home before her emerald eyes. She blinked, turning her head to glance at Will, finding him looking at her. His dark eyes read that he was thinking the exact same thing, feeling it even.

"Welcome home." Amelia's soft, youthful voice came from behind them. They turned over their shoulders, sharing a small smile their all three of their children.

They all were home.

They all were safe.

They all were alive.

"Shall we?" Charlie questioned, raising a brow.

"I could sleep before supper." Henry sighed, looking down at the ground.

Will pressed a hand to Evelyn's lower back, urging her to lead. Walking up the steps, Evelyn reached the front door, knocking on it. Before any of them could bat an eye, Martin was there opening the door. Martin had aged over the years but still remained the same: a man of a few words, who always opened the door.

"Welcome home, Mr. and Mrs. Turner." He bowed his head, opening the door wide enough for them to walk in.

"Hi Martin." Evelyn smiled widely at him. She missed him, the staff, home--she missed everything about her home. Her eyes wandered around the foyer. Everything was perfectly cleaned and shined, as if they prepared the home to look its best for their return.

Evelyn's curious eyes flickered into the living room, where standing in the archway was her parents. Her heart stopped at the sight before her.

"Mama? Papa?" She breathed out under her breath.

Amelia and Charles Adams stood at each other's side, both holding emotional smiles on their faces. They too had aged as well but in the best way possible. Their faces held wrinkles and their hair had grey hair mixed within their natural coloring.

But they still remained a beautiful looking couple.

Evelyn didn't run to them but she did have a pep in her step as she approached them with open arms. The Adams held their daughter together, in a way that made it seem they weren't going to ever let go.

However, Evelyn still pulled back, looking up at them. "What are you doing here? How did you know we were back?" So many questions filled her mind but these were the only ones she could manage to get out.

Amelia shared a quick look with her husband. "We had gotten back ourselves just yesterday. Mr. Bennett spotted the Black Pearl and came to tell us immediately. After receiving the news, we rushed over her and made sure the house was ready by the time you came home."

"Surprise!" Charles joked, leaning down to press a kiss on his daughter's forehead.

"Grandmother, grandfather!" The younger Amelia called, rushing over to her grandparents. Evelyn stepped away, allowing her daughter to collide into a bone crushing hug with her grandfather.

Charles Adams let out a long groan as he held his granddaughter. "Oh hello, my love." He grunted, leaning down to kiss her face.

As Amelia giggled, pulling back from him to hug her grandmother, Charlie and Henry were in front of their grandfather, sharing their hugs as well.

"We've got loads to tell you." Charlie spoke, hugging his grandmother. She pressed multiple kisses to his cheeks and swayed, holding him.

"Oh my boys and my darling girl! I can't wait to hear all about it." Amelia held Henry's face, shaking it slightly. "Especially you, young man." Causing the eldest grandchild to laugh.

Forever and Always (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now