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Night fell and the atmosphere turned calm. Jack's crew were spread across the ship, all snoring as they dreamed. The energy on the Dying Gull was finally at ease, it was peaceful. The only sounds that echoed from ear to ear was the creaking of the ships joints, and the ocean waves that gently kisses along the sides of the tiny ship.

Evelyn rest her lower back against the railing of the ship, studying her son and Carina. The two were on opposite sides of the ship: Carina sitting at the front, while Henry was standing at the back. Carina glanced up from her diary she had been writing in, turning her head to watch Henry as he gazed out into the sea.

Biting her lip, she tried to contain her smile but failed miserably.

"Stalking the children again, dear?" Will's amused words filled her left ear. Evelyn turned her head to the side, giving him a playful, yet guilty glare. He walked up to her side, smiling lovingly at his wife. Evelyn scooted a few inches away, making room for him to stand by her side.

"I am not stalking, my sweet husband. I'm merely observing." She let out a few giggles, glancing shyly down at her booted feet. It always made her swoon hearing Will let out a few giggles as well.

Will lightly chuckled this time, glancing down at his boots. "I miss nights like this, you know." He whispered softly.

Evelyn glanced up at him, smiling at the thought. "Me too. It was the only time on a pirate ship where everything was relaxing." She looked up at the stars as Will looked at her once more. "It's like we can finally breathe once the stars come out to shine." Thoughts and realizations swirled in her mind, causing her to furrow her eyebrows. "It's actually the only time we get to spend time together, alone time." Her cheeks turned a hushed pink, a little smile forming on her sweet lips.

Will's hand found Evelyn's hand, sliding his rough fingers in between her petal soft fingers. He lifted her hand up to his mouth, pressing a few gentle kisses along the back of her palm.

It always made Evelyn melt when his kissed her hand, she melted when he did anything. But simple, small gestures of affection drove her to madness and he knew it.

Her smile only grew. "It took me until now to realize just how much I missed this. All of this." Her emerald eyes fluttered around her surroundings.

Will lowered their hands down back at their sides, looking around as well. "I do too believe it or not. I thought I was over my pirating days but...I look at this and a small part of me is still in there." His dark eyes met Evelyn's face again.

"Pirates life." She said softly. "I get it. I'm there with you but I think I miss it more than that. I use to be a bird trapped in a cage but then I tasted this life, this pirate life and I craved more of it." A content sigh passed through her nose. "But I think I'm okay now. I tasted adventure and freedom and now I have my fairytale ending."

An amused smile toyed on Will's lips. "Your fairytale ending?"

"Don't laugh." Her cheeks burned, her smile slightly pained. "It is my fairytale ending: I married you, had three beautiful children, have a forever home, a best friend, and a family. It's all I need. It's my fairytale ending, just with a hint of piracy in it."

Will laughed. "It's a good ending. It's my ending too." Will paused for a second, looking a head of them. "There's always going to be piracy in us, isn't there?" He asked.

"Of course." She furrowed her eyebrows, replying as it was obvious. Her face relaxed and she smiled at the next thought. "It's a pirate's life for us."

Will chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"Spaghetti wolves!" Jack exclaimed from where Henry stood. Will and Evelyn's conversation came to an end, looking over at the two. Henry closed the telescope, looking down at Jack, who sat up from his pillow made bed.

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