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Against Jack's better judgement, the Turner family left the prison. Together, keeping their heads down, they walked along the soggy, muddy streets of Saint Martin. It stopped pouring and now transformed into a light drizzle, kissing their hair and bodies. The weather thankfully brought a beautiful, yet chilly breeze across the island. This caused them to shiver, walking closer together without realizing it.

"Where exactly are we going, Henry?" Evelyn questioned, looking up at her son. Once they were out of the prison, it was he who instantly looked at his parents and told them to follow him.

The eldest Turner child glanced out of the corner of his eye, meeting her stare. Motioning forward with a nod, he shifted his eyes straight ahead of them. "To look for help and I know just who to ask." Evelyn shifted her eyes in front of her, meeting a lively tavern. It looked as if it was a familiar and popular hangout within the town of Saint Martin. Music and loud voices from inside filled her ears as they drew near. Yet it still didn't sound at all threatening. It sounded like open fun and warm entertainment.

"What's in the tavern that can help us?" Will questioned from Evelyn's opposite side.

"Some people I heard that sailed with Jack. Old crew mates of his." Henry replied informatively.

'Old crew mates?' Evelyn wondered. Her mind instantly went to Mr. Gibbs, Ragetti, Pintel, and the rest of the old crew. Even Captain Barbossa came to mind as she began to remember the old crew, the one that once sailed the Black Pearl. She wondered if the was even crew was still together, and how different they must look now. Silently she prayed that whomever was left of Jack's crew, they would be willing to help them.

They stopped right before the large, dark brown tavern doors, sharing a look with each other. Will pushed the door open, a yellowish, orange warmth instantly inviting them inside. Men sat around a the bar and tables, laughing as they shared a pint or two. Middle-aged barmaids giggled and they sweep from table to table, deliver drinks and taking away dishes. It was the most lively scene they had seen in a while. A small band played loud music in the corner of the semi-dirty tavern. The music blended together with the laughter and conversation with a hint of dishes clanking. 

Will shut the door behind his family, standing right beside Evelyn. "Do you see any one we may know?" He spoke a little louder, leaning closer to Evelyn's ear.

Her strawberry blonde curls wiggled as she shook her head. "Not yet." She replied at the same tone. Emerald eyes flickered across the room, studying each table, corner, and seat in the tavern. Much to her surprise, she didn't feel one bit of anxiety or nervousness being in the tavern. It reminded her of the old days when they had visited Tortuga, years and years ago. Luckily, they were able to miss that place on their voyage. Tortuga wasn't one of the stops Mr. Finch had to make on his travels.

She felt a hand placed on her back, pulling her from her thoughts. Snapping her head to the side, she met Henry's chest turned towards her. Moving her eyes up, she met her son's eyes that quickly shifted into the group. "There." Henry pointed, straight into the crowd. Her eyes followed his hand, looking into the sea of men and women. They brushed by each other, moving all around until a small opening between the people. Grey and white hair captured her eyes instantly.

Mr. Gibbs.

"I see him. I see Mr. Gibbs." She smiled, turning her head to look up at Will. A warm sensation grew inside of her, knowing she'd finally see a familiar face. There was no doubt in her that he wouldn't remember then, he remembered everything. She just wondered if he would be willing to help them.

"Well then, it'd be rude for us not to say hi." Will gave her a little smile, placing a hand on the handle of his sword at his hip.

Evelyn hummed at him softly, turning to look at Henry. "Go on, darling." She cooed, placing a hand on his lower back for him to lead the walk. Glancing up at Will for a second, she followed after their son, surveying the crowd around them. It grew louder and louder the more they traveled through it. The warmth increased as well, causing their wet clothes and hair to begin to dry.

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