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"I can't remember the last time I have seen a town." Bootstrap breathed out, his curious eyes wandering around the shops and people as they passed through. The older pirate's expression had look like a young child with curiosity stirring his excitement. It was quite a charming sight to see, in Evelyn's perspective, seeing him wander.

She had no doubt Will was just as excited to be sharing this moment with his father. The smile adorn on his face and eyes made her heart swell.

The children, on the other hand, looked just as intrigued and happy as Evelyn.

Amelia had been walking beside her grand-father's side, eager to get familiar as much as she could. "After you settle in, Grandfather, we would love to take you around town, show you our favorite spots." She smiled up to him.

Bootstrap smiled down at his own granddaughter, the look of man who just found the most precious thing in the world on his face. "I would love that, little one." He nodded down at her. After studying her for a moment, he turned his head to look over his shoulder at Evelyn walking behind Will. "It's amazing how much she looks and acts just like you. I thought so when she was a lot smaller but the image now is uncanny." He chuckled.

Evelyn found herself meeting her daughter's eyes, both of them grinning. "We get that quite a lot, actually." She replied.

"Great kids. You two should be very proud of yourselves for raising three wonderful children." Bootstrap looked from Evelyn to Will, clasping a hand on his son's shoulder.

Will glowed at his words, straightening his shoulders in pride. "Thank you. It wasn't easy but we tend to think they came out pretty good." He threw a smile over his shoulder to Evelyn.

She found herself grinning, nodding in response. "I agree."

Charlie, walking beside Evelyn, tuck his mother under his arm. "I do as well."

Evelyn shook her head, throwing it back as she let out a heartfelt laugh.


The Turner family reached Evelyn's childhood home, stopping before the steps that led to the front door.

"Welcome to our home." Will breathed to his father.

Bootstrap held a look of awe at the glorious house before him. He looked as if he had never seen such a beautiful sight.

Evelyn went to open her mouth to speak to her father-in-law, but Amelia turned to face her, catching her attention. "How come we don't have a carriage?" Amelia asked curiously. "The thought just came to me while we were walking home."

Charlie and Henry turned to face each other with mirrored puzzled expressions. It seemed they too had not realized the same thought their sister shared. "You know, I never thought about that before. Why don't we?" Henry questioned Evelyn.

Evelyn shrugged. "My parents mostly used them, I preferred walking. Most of the time as a girl and young woman, I was usually either sneaking off to go visit your father or he was with me when leaving the house. Your grandmother...Margret...she always forbid me to go see him or for him to even be around me. I usually wasn't able to have him in a carriage or even use the carriage to go visit him. Besides, I never cared much for a carriage." She looked between her children. "There is something quite beautiful about being surrounded in nature with the ones you love."

A hand slipped around her waist, causing her to look up and see Will smiling down at her. "You know, I never even thought of carriages with you either. How odd." He let out a soft, amused scoff.

"Well I had to go see you with no one, expect for Amelia, knowing." Evelyn gave a little flirtatious grin.

"A forbidden love." Amelia sighed so quietly, it only caught the ear of those who listened close enough to hear it.

"How romantic." Charlie and Henry mocked, placing a hand on their chest.

Amelia looked at them with rose brows, a silent look asking them if they wanted to do that again. Both brothers cleared their throats and awkwardly dropped their hands down at their sides, mumbling apologies.

Bootstrap looked to Will and Evelyn, chuckling, while they shook their heads, giving a small grin.

"Let's go inside, give you a tour of the house." Will changed the topic, clasping his father on the shoulder.

The family moved up the steps and without having to knock on the door, Martin was there opening it. A look of astonishment at the mere action was spread across their faces. The aging doorman bowed, quietly greeting the entire family as they slowly, and hesitantly, walked inside.

Bootstrap looked around the foyer, taking in the new scenery. "Wow." He breathed out. "It's just as beautiful inside as it is outside."

"Thank you." Evelyn clasped her hands in front of her dress. She took a step up to his side, looking where he gazed. "This home once belonged to my parents. I grew up here, you see, and when Will and I got married, they gifted the house to use." She turned her shoulders, pointing to the front door. "They live just down the street from us, and so does our friend Leo, who you once met, and..." Evelyn looked to Will to continue where she was going, letting her husband share the last bit.

Will looked to her, instantly understanding where she was going. Clearing his throat, he took a step forward. "And," he pointed to the dining room. "Just over there, we have begun building your house."

"What?" Bootstrap looked to his son in awe, a loss for words.

He took a step closer to his father, giving a small smile. "It's more so like a smaller house, enough room for you to live in. We figured it would be good for you. And you are literally right next to us." Evelyn could sense the subtle anxiousness as Will spoke. He paused for a second, motioning towards the children. "And you will be able to watch them to continue to grow with us, be a part of our lives...we can finally be a family."

Bootstrap looked at each individual, tears beginning to well up in his eyes. "I don't know what to say." He let out a small chuckle. The eldest Turner walked up to Will, grasping his shoulder before wrapping his arms around him. "Thank you, son." He breathed out, a few tears streaming down his face.

Evelyn held a hand to her chest, smiling at them. She knew Will, after all of these years, had waited for this moment.

And she couldn't be happier for him.

The two parted and Bootstrap looked to her. "And thank you, Evelyn...for everything."

"Of course." She smiled to him, nodding.

"And thank you, children." He now looked to them.

The three of them shared a look, mumbling their words to him.

Evelyn looked at the time on the grandfather clock, instantly perking up over the time. "My goodness, I hate to break up a lovely moment but, supper will be ready soon and I have some people for you to meet and to be reintroduced too."

Will perked up as well, nodding. "Yes, I completely forgot. The tour will come after dinner. Come with me and we can get you ready." He motioned for Bootstrap to walk up the stairs.

"That reminds me," Henry patted Charlie's back, "I need to go get Carina."

"How chivalrous, brother." Charlie grinned, patting him back.

"How romantic." Amelia mocked him, wiggling her head as she placed a hand on her chest.

Evelyn chuckled over her children, turning her gaze up to the stairs. She met Will's happy eyes, smiling to him lovingly. He pursed his lips together for a second, trying to contain his emotions. It was then when he mouthed to her "I love you."

Glowing, she nodding back. She whispered back "I love you," pressing her fingers to her lips, subtly blowing him a kiss.

Hi friends! I hope you had wonderful week last week. Thank you for allowing me to have another week to work on this chapter. I know it's not much but I loved it. It's weird to write for Bootstrap again! Although, I do miss seeing Will bond with his father.

I hope you all have another great week this week 💕

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