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"Are you sure you have to go?" Evelyn smiled sadly at her mother, holding her hands only inches from her heart. Her parents stood outside the door, warm smiles still plastered on their faces. The Turners crowded around the front door, watching the rest of their family nearly on their way to their carriage waiting outside. Shortly after Henry had returned, they all sat within the couch and lover seats. They all shared tea and spoke for hours. When young Amelia cracked a yawn, it seemed to Charles and his wife that it was a good time to head to their home.

Amelia nodded, squeezing her hands. "Yes, my love, I'm afraid so. Besides," her slight aged hand let go of Evelyn's hand to cup her cheek, "you need to sleep. We may see each other tomorrow."

Charles took a step closer behind Amelia, placing a hand on her back, looking to his daughter. "I agree, tomorrow is a new day and we need to recover from our trip as well."

A sigh came from Evelyn, nodding at their valid points. "I know. I've just missed you, that's all." She admitted.

"And we've missed you." Amelia pulled Evelyn into one of her famous hugs. As they pulled part, Amelia looked around Evelyn to the rest of her family. "All of you." She added.

Evelyn glanced back at her family, seeing the smiles they all shared. She turned back and let out a small huff of air. "Well, best be going now." A firm nod, voice speaking softly.

Charles nodded, straightening up. "Yes, goodnight all. It's wonderful to see you all after such a long time; we're glad you all are home safe and sound." He looked at each of his family inside of the house.

"Goodnight, papa." Evelyn softly smiled to her father. Charles leaned over to her, pressing a little kiss on her forehead. He pulled away, smiling at Evelyn as if he was silently saying that he loved her and was very proud of her. It occurred to Evelyn, even though she was an adult, her father always told her in some form that he was proud of her, to make up for the times he was too busy to say such things to her as a child.

Amelia pulled away from Evelyn, wishing Will and the children goodnight as well. She and Charles backed away before turning to walk to their awaiting carriage for them.

Evelyn stood in the doorway, watching them climb inside, waving to them as the drove off into the dark night. She turned, walking back into the house to her own family. Mumbling her thanks to Martin, she looked to Will, waiting for her. His soft, knowing eyes could sense her exhaustion. He wrapped an arm around her, leading her to the stairs. Charlie, Amelia, and Henry followed after them, neither one of them speaking a word.

It seemed it was nearly midnight by the time her parents finally left. It was at this moment where she silently became grateful that she could sleep now, back in her own bed.

The Turner family slowly, tiredly walked up the long curling staircase. Evelyn leaned into Will's side, keeping her gaze on the steps before. Before she knew it, she had reached the top, right before her and Will's bedroom. The married couple looked to each other, sharing a look. They turned around to face their exhausted children, each standing on a different step before them. Small bags puffed under their eyes, yet they still looked to them with weak smiles.

Evelyn let out a small giggle at her children. "Sleep, my loves." Stepping over to Amelia, she hugged her daughter, pressing a small kiss to her cheek. The young girl then pulled away, holding on to her papa, saying a small goodnight into his chest.

Charlie slumped up a step, coming up to Evelyn. He bent down to hug her, laying his head on her shoulder. "Night." He mumbled, letting out tired sigh. It made Evelyn laugh quietly while she kissed his cheek. The nearly sleeping boy, pulled away giving his father a hug goodnight.

Henry was the last of them, smiling shyly as he came up the last two steps. "It's been a while since I've slept in my own bed." He admitted, looking down at Evelyn.

"It's been long overdue." Evelyn nodded, smiling softly to her eldest son, opening her arms out to him. Henry bent down, holding his mother tightly. The hug he was giving her nearly spoke of how much he missed her, how much he had missed home. It made her want to hold on to her boy longer, made her sad at how much he's grown up.

Before she started crying, she pulled away from him, reaching up to cup both of his cheeks. Her boy began to slip out of her fingers, causing them to slowly drop to curl against her chin. Henry leaned down to press a kiss to his mother's head, whispering his goodnight.

She turned, feeling a overwhelming sense of emotion coming over her. Henry and Will shared a hug, both of them patting each other on the back. As they pulled away, Henry chuckled while he turned to walk down the hallway.

Their children disappeared into their rooms as they watched from their bedroom door.

"I say we did a pretty good job with them." Evelyn sighed, holding a hand to her heart.

"I couldn't agree more." Will's hand curled around her waist.

Once their doors shut, Will tugged at Evelyn's waist, whispering, "come on." He let go to open the bedroom door for her, closing it behind them. Before dinner, Evelyn laid out her cream nightgown on their bed, solely because she knew how tired she was going to be.

And she was right.

Silently, Will and Evelyn changed into their nightwear, blowing out but one candle on Evelyn's nightstand. Then they crept under the comforter and sheets.

Evelyn leaned over to her nightstand, blowing out the candle. She wiggled under the covers more, moving closer to Will to lay her head on his chest. The thumping sound of his heartbeat always soothed her. Over their years of marriage, she grew used to the sound, not being able to sleep without hearing it at least once more sleeping.

Closing her eyes while listening to his heart, she relaxed into their bed.

Out of the blue, Will spoke to her.

"Do you think he will be there tomorrow?" He questioned, voice as quiet as possible.

Her eyes opened.

Turning her head, she propped her chin on his chest, looking at his face with the little moonlight in their room. "I do."

Will blinked, looking up at the ceiling. "I just...worry. Maybe he might not know we are here."

Sleepily, Evelyn kissed his chest, rubbing soothing circles beside it. "He will. You know he will. Don't let thought anxious thought eat at your mind." She told him.

Her head rose and fell with his chest. "I know." She rose and fell with his chest again, noticing him turning his head to look at her. "I know." He rubbed her back soothingly.

"Anything else on your mind before we sleep?" She questioned, laying her head on its side.

Will continued to rub circles on her back. "No, just that I love you." A light playfulness in his word.

Evelyn smiled in the darkness, readjusting her head and closing her eyes.

"I love you too."

Hi all! I'm running very behind I'm so sorry. I'm currently stressing because classes start today and materials are very expensive. I had absolutely no time to edit the chapter what so ever, forgive me.

Since I am back in school mode, I will need extra patience with updates because my classes are very hard this semester.

I hope you all are doing well and are staying stuff. Much love ❤️❤️

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