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Nine years later...

Evelyn stood in front of her full length mirror. Emerald eyes gazed into her reflection, raking over the familiar look from years past. Nineteen years its been since she's last seen this look.

The look of a pirate.

Her black knee high boots covered part of her black pants. A fitted olive green shirt was tucked into her pants. Waist secured by a thick dark brown fitted belt. Evelyn shrugged on a matching coat that fell just above the top of her boots, the ends of the sleeves expanding wide. It was a mix of new and old clothing items. The new additions were from an old pirate friend, Anamaria, who she had run into a few months back while exploring the edges of the market place near the ocean. It had been years since she had last seen her friend. Anamaria filled Evelyn in on the recent whereabouts of Jack, whom she was now on the look for.

Evelyn pulled herself from her thoughts, blinking rapidly. A sigh blew through her nose as she lifted her hands up, tying the front two strands of her strawberry blonde hair back. It was a simple feminine touch to her look.

Lowering her hands, she blinked at her reflection. Evelyn had begun to age at a slow rate. For the most part, she still looked so young but she now showed some aging qualities. Her beautiful facial features became more vibrant and defined now, increasing her beauty but she hardly noticed.

"Are you almost ready, my love?" A loving voice rang in her ears. Even to this day, after being married for almost twenty years, Will's voice still made Evelyn swoon. She looked into the mirror at her husband coming into their room. Will had aged as well. His pulled back, dark hair had grown past his shoulders. Facial hair now traced his chin and jawline up to his short side burns. Unlike Evelyn, Will looked slightly older than her. His facial features were a little more age than before but he was still as handsome as ever.

"Just about." Evelyn softly smiled at his reflection. A knowing grin worked its way on to Will's lips as he sauntered over to where she stood. Will wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning his temple against the side of her head. "Even after having three kids, I can still fit in these pants." She joked, leaning back against him.

"Even after three kids, you still are more beautiful than ever." Will slowly turned his head to press a tender kiss on her cheek.

"Wow! Mama, you look amazing!" A sweet young voice filled in the master bedroom. Evelyn and Will pulled away, turning back to see their daughter. The youngest Amelia looked as if she could be Evelyn's twin. She was now fifteen and was growing to be just as beautiful as her mother. The reddish strawberry curls bounced as she hopped over to her parents, extending her hands out to her mother.

"Thank you, my little love." Evelyn beamed at her daughter, taking her hands. The two ladies squeezed hands in excitement, their identical emerald eyes meeting.

"What about me?" Will questioned, motioning himself with his hands. The ladies looked to the oldest Turner, both sharing the exact smile. Will had worn an outfit similar to Evelyn: boots, black pants, brown belt, and a black flowing coat. Only difference was his burgundy shirt that exposed part of his chest and dark brown chest belt.

Amelia hesitated, looking over her father's outfit. The sweet smile returned to her lips. "A good effort was made, papa." She nodded. Evelyn bit down on her lip to contain her giggles at Will's expression turned into a playful glare. Amelia playfully rolled her eyes. "I'm only kidding. You both look incredible." She beamed, turning back to her Evelyn. "Are you sure I can't come with you? I know I can be a lot of help in rescuing Grandfather Bill. I know how to fight. You and papa both taught me well and I beat Charlie every time!" She pointed out.

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