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Anxiety filled Evelyn as she stood outside of the large, bantering crowd. Her eyes scanned the hateful townspeople waiting impatiently for the executions to take place. This plan was rather risky in her opinion but she trusted Henry's word, knowing he was a smart boy. At the thought of him, her eyes slowly drifted up at the bell tower where he remained hidden, waiting for the right time to make an entrance. Meanwhile, she, Will, Mr. Gibbs all remained to the side of the crowd, a cannon hidden in between them with a sheet draped over it.

A rough hand filled into her soft fingers, capturing her attention. She turned her head and looked at Will. "This is going to work." He reassured her softly, lightly squeezing her hand.

"I hope so." She breathes out her reply, keeping her eyes on the sight before her. Above the crowd was platform stages where each kind of execution took place. Soldiers were plastered on them, under them, around them, and on the wooden risers where the mayor and important people sat.

They pirates studied the amount soldiers they were up against.

Two large wagons were suddenly pulled by four large brown horses each, causing all kinds of heads to turn. The roar of the bloody thirsty crowd only grew, partially scaring Evelyn by how violent they were. Hangings in Port Royal were never this hateful. She had never been to one except for the time she and Will had saved Jack; but, she was always told they were more sophisticated with minor yelling.

A woman was pulled out of one of the wagons, dragged to the stage where a noose was being hung up above. The features of the girl struck Evelyn by the description given by Henry.

"Will, that's the girl." Evelyn pointed to the stage the girl now stood on.

"And there's Jack." He pointed to the other stage with a execution method the guillotine.

The girl Henry had told them about was named was Carina Smyth and she was the one who held the map they needed. He didn't mention how pretty she was. Carina's dark hair complimented her pale skin along the tealish dress she wore.

They watched as she struggle to speak over the crowd's volume until she finally snapped. "QUIET!" She screamed causing the crowd to go deadly silent.

"The final words of Carina Smyth." She started. "Good sirs, I'm not a witch but I forgive your common dimwittedness and feeble brains. In short, most of you have the mind of a goat—"

Jack instantly cut her off, stealing the attention from her. "Pardon me, sir. Is it not common practice of those about to be executed to be granted a last, I don't know, something—"

Carina cut him off, taking back the attention from the ground. "I believe I was making a point. If you could just be patient." She spoke politely, taking in a breath to continue talking.

But once again, Jack spoke. "No! My head's about to be lopped off, hence the urgency."

"And my neck is to be broken." She pointed out, hint of an attitude lacing her words.

The crowds head's began to switch side to side as Jack and Carina took a turn speaking. "Did you know that on occasion the neck doesn't actually break? It just hurts." Jack informed casually.

Carina's face contorted into confusion. "What?"

"Oh, yes. I've seen men swing for hours, eyes bulging, tongues swelling...revolting gurgling sound."

"May I finish!"

"No! You're lucky. Wish I was hung." Jack pouted.

"Kill the filthy pirate. I'll wait." Carina gave a fake smile, nodding.

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