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Approaching the smithy, Evelyn finished the remaining bit of bread and cheese she purchased to snack on as she waited. Nostalgia began to wash over her as she swallowed the last bit of food in her mouth. She walked up to the door and pushed it opened. To her surprised it was unlocked, allowing her to creep inside and shut the door. Even though she had been inside the smithy over a month ago, everything still remained the same.

It was very much abandoned looking, covered in dark grey dust.

But it still was beautiful to her.

The memories that remained inside there were the reason, at least in her mind, why it was even considered beautiful to her. So many memories of her childhood and teenage years swirled around in this atmosphere. A small part of her still felt like that heavily in love eighteen year old as she walked down the giant cement steps, on to the dirt, hay covered floor.

Her younger self would never believe that one day, she would own this place with the man she had been in love with her entire life.

Late nights, early mornings, and all afternoons had taken place here.

While she did miss those childhood memories, spending days and hours with Will, she preferred staying present, being married to him and raising their children together.

Evelyn wandered to the wooden bench, covered with tool and metals that were covered within the cloudy, dark grey dust. Lazily, she let her fingers touch the top of the table, dragging them across the dust, leaving four long lines. She glanced at the palms of her fingers and made a face, dusting her hands together.

Approaching the end of the table, Evelyn spotted a wooden stool. Admiring it, she tilted her head slightly, a small smile growing on her face. Instantly, she thought back to the on-going years of when she would often find Will sitting there, adding in the details of whatever he was crafting. Evelyn was often standing where she currently stood now. She would talk to him, watch him perfect his craft, or do silly things, like dancing or telling stories, to make him laugh as he worked. Sometimes she would find Will sitting there after a bad day, he tend to have a lot of those growing up. On those days, she would do everything within her power to bring a smile to his face. Whatever she did, he was always smiling. It always surprised her when it worked. But every time, without fail, Evelyn always brought a smile to Will's face.

It seemed still to this day, she held that title.

Evelyn found herself smiling even wider after recalling those memories. She glanced around the room, noticing the only thing missing from the smithy was the donkey.

So many memories filled this place.

And if Will was successful in purchasing his old home, more memories would come out of there too.

The sound of the barn door creaking open caught Evelyn's attention. She turned her head like a snap, causing her strawberry blonde hair to sway around her shoulders. Through the bright light of the sun, a figure appeared inside. As they pulled the door closed behind them, the sun disappeared allowing Evelyn to see Will standing there.

A sigh of relief blew through her parted lips, realizing it was just him.

Then Evelyn perked up realizing it was him.

She grabbed the bottom of her dress, rushing over to the steps Will came down on. His face held such a strong poker face, she couldn't tell what happened.

Stopping a few feet from the steps, she dropped her skirt. "What happened? Were you able to buy it?" She asked frantically, blinking while searching his face for any bit of clues.

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