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The next morning, Evelyn found herself feeling slightly anxious. Her fingers fiddled together, hovering them over her stomach. Slowly and silently, she walked up the remaining steps of the staircase, approaching her bedroom door. It was slightly cracked, meaning Will had either finished or was finishing getting ready. The rest of her family were scattered around either eating breakfast or already out of the house for the day. She had a quiet morning with Bootstrap, enjoying breakfast with him as they made small talk of what the day held for her and Will. He was still exhausted from his long voyage, making it worse for him due to his older age. Evelyn reassured him to stay home to rest and recover.

Approaching the bedroom door, she pushed it slowly open, shyly peeking into her own bedroom. There she found Will standing before the full length mirror, struggling to tie his cravat. Will never wore the white cloth around his neck but today, it seems, he wanted to dress appropriately for what they were about do. When that cravat would be perfect around his neck, he would look like the perfect gentlemen, no signs of a pirate anywhere in his appearance.

Evelyn found herself remembering her distaste at the idea that piracy is still frowned upon, evening clothing. She knew if people realized just how handsome one could look in the attire that they wouldn't look down on it.

Will's frustrated sigh brought Evelyn back into reality. A small giggle was caught in her throat but the amused smile toyed on her pink lips. Pushing the door open silently, she walked into their shared bedroom, never once taking her eyes off of her husband.

"Do you need some help, my love?" She spoke coolly, her words and tone flowing with such a ease. The humorous tone was still hinting in her voice as well as the smile still remaining on her face.

The man looked to her in the reflection of the mirror, letting out a small chuckle of both humor and defeat. His hands dropped to his sides but the untied cravat still remained at his neck. "I would love some." He admitted, turning around to face her.

Evelyn finally released her trapped giggle, lifting her hands to begin working on tying his cravat. For a small moment, it took her back to her days when she was younger. Charles Adams, her father, taught her how to do it. He did so that she could help him tie it "when he was very old and frail" which is how he put it to her. Even then, they both knew that Evelyn's real mother would never both to lay a finger to help do such a task. She didn't want to be like that. Evelyn had always wanted to help in anyway she could, regardless of her status. Even if it was something small as helping tie a cravat.

Finishing Will's final touch, she smiled softly, laying her hands flat on his chest as she admired her work. "What would you do without me?" She asked softly, looking up to meet his loving eyes. It was a question frantically asked between the two, that had been asked for years and probably would be asked for even more years to come.

A minor, breathy scoff passed Will's lips she could barely hear. He lifted his hand up to move a strand of hair behind her ear. "I've been asking myself that since the day I met you."

Blushing, she closed her eyes, leaning her forehead against his chin. The touch of Will's lips met her forehead just seconds later. Evelyn pulled back, standing on her toes to meet Will's lips that were already low enough to meet hers.

As they pulled away, Evelyn felt her nerves begin to settle, at least within that moment.

"Are you ready to go?" Evelyn questioned, eager to get going.

Will nodded, taking in a deep breath, looking at his appearance one last time in the mirror. Finally, he turned back to her. "Nervous?"

Evelyn's head bobbled. "A bit." She admitted lightly. "Are you?"

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