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Climbing out of the dingy and on to the dock, Evelyn regained her balance. They were finally back to Port Royal after so many weeks out at sea. Exhaustion ran through her veins and she was sure she wasn't the only one.

Turning around, Evelyn grasped one last view of the Black Pearl in her full glory. Her black sails gently swayed through the soft, salty breeze. Even though she couldn't see it, she knew, within it stood the crew and Jack, ready to set sail once more.

In her heart, it wasn't a sad goodbye at all. Perhaps a little trip down memory lane was all she needed. Her family was there at her side, what else could she need more?

"Evelyn." Will's voice rang soft near her ear. The woman turned her head to look to her husband, patiently waiting for her. "Are you ready?" He breathed out his question.

Evelyn turned back to get that final look.

The Black Pearl.

She turned her head to him once more, giving a soft smile and nod. Will opened his arm, tucking her under it and pulling her to his side. Side by side, they walked along the empty dock after the children, Leo, and Barbossa.

Barbossa and Leo quietly talked among themselves.

Charlie and Amelia seemed to be sharing a rather fun conversation.

Henry and Carina shyly talked to one another, slowly growing closer and closer.

The group followed after Charlie and Amelia who led the way. Through the quiet docks, not many sailors and merchants wandered about. It was strange to see the docks so dull, even as they walked through the town of Port Royal, it was just as dull. Very few people out and about. Evelyn didn't know what time it was actually. It couldn't have been supper just yet but she wondered if the meal time drew near. She was quite hungry after a long trip.

"What are you thinking about, my love?" Will's voice nipped at her ear, making her perk up tiredly.

"Food." She answered simply, moving his arm from her to lock her elbow with his.

Will chuckled, taken back by her response. "I figured you were thinking about the Pearl, the memories we shared." He knew her so well.

A small, sweet hum came from Evelyn's throat. "I already did my time of reminiscing on the ship. Now all my mind can seem to think of is food, sleep, and whether or not my parents returned from their trip." It hadn't occurred to Evelyn until that moment, she had just remembered her parents were on a trip to Paris.

"That's right. I actually wonder the same. As for food and sleep, I couldn't agree more." Will patted Evelyn's hand on his bicep. "We've had a long trip." He added, followed by a tired sigh.

"Yes, we did." A nod.

"How does a long bath before dinner sound?" A slight tease nipped in Will's voice. Evelyn looked up to him, noticing the small smirk on his lips.

A bit of pink stained her cheeks. "Sounds lovely." She replied simply as she set her gaze forward. As she did so, Carina turned around, looking to Will and Evelyn.

"Question." Carina's dressed swished around her legs as she marched up to Evelyn's side, walking along her. Evelyn looked around her, noticing Henry catch up with his siblings.


Carina seemed hesitant. "I was just wondering, is there any property near your house?" She questioned, her voice slightly edging on to more questions.

Evelyn looked to Will, puzzled. "I don't know if any are available." She looked to Carina, noticing the slight drop in her face. Even as Carina remained forward, Evelyn could see the disappointment in her features.


The young girl looked to her.

"If you and Barbossa need a place to stay, you're more than welcome to—"

"Already ahead of you." Leo's voice cut her off, catching both Evelyn, Will, and Carina completely off guard. The said man came up to the three with Barbossa beside them. They all stopped their walking entirely, Evelyn's children stopping just ahead of them.

Evelyn raised a suspicious brow. "How so?"

Leo stuck a hand in his pockets. "Well, Hector and I were talking." He motioned to the retired pirate. Evelyn raised a brow at the use of god first name. "And we were talking about where they were going to stay for the time being."

"I asked if ye would be willing to take us in, Mrs. Turner." Barbossa spoke, looking to Leo to continue.

"I said that you don't exactly have extra room so I offered to take them in, for the time being."

Evelyn gave a soft smile, glancing up at Will, noticing the similar look on his face as well. Kindness is what Leo always possessed as a strong trait. Everyone who has ever known him would know that.

"Are you certain?" Evelyn asked softly, tilting her head at a slight angle.

"Positive. I have plenty room since my parents gifted me the house." Leo paused, exchanging a smile between the father and daughter standing beside him. "Looks like our family continues to grow." His attention moved back to Will and Evelyn.

There was a slight hesitation before Will spoke. She noticed him looking between Henry and Carina, sharing a look they both knew all too well of. "It's a good they live just down the road from us." Her husband ended up saying, his words implying to the possible young couple.

A grin grew on Evelyn's lips. "Indeed." A few chuckles were exchanged between the group. "Shall we continue?" She offered, looking between each individual.

"Yes lets." Carina replied eagerly, moving to lock her arm with Barbossa's.

Amelia and Charlie continued to lead the group at a large distance, stilling talking quietly with themselves.

Barbossa, Carina, and Henry followed after them.

Evelyn continued to walk arm-in-arm with Will, this time with Leo at her opposite side. "That was very kind of you to do that for them." She said quietly to Leo, smiling sincerely.

"It was." Will added, nodding along in agreement.

Leo chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "It was no big deal. I'm a helpful man, what can I say?" He replied humorously.

"True. You not only helped them but you helped us too." Evelyn pointed out. "I was wondering that a bit. Where they would stay. We could always make room but what you did made things easier. Thank you." She added, nodding, looking between the two men.

"I figured as much. It's no problem at all." Leo smiled, bumping his elbow against Evelyn's arm.

The three grew quiet as the drew closer and closer to the houses. To their right, out of the corner of Evelyn's eye, she spoke Mr. Brown's old shop Will worked and lived at years ago.

"Will." Evelyn spoke softly, nodding towards the shop.

Will glanced over in the direction where she looked. A small smile grew. He stared at it as until they fully passed it. The man looked back to his wife, noticing her wiggling brow. He chucked, leaning over to place a kiss on her temple. "I'll look into it." The man whispered as he pulled away.

The smile grew wider on her face.

And that was enough.

Hi everyone! Sorry it's such a short chapter. I'm at my last week of classes for the semester then I have a break until fall term starts.

I hope you all had a lovely week and you enjoyed this little chapter❤️

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