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Evelyn couldn't believe her eyes at the sight before her.

It was Henry.

It was her son.

Yet something in her gut didn't fill her with relief as it should have.

There was something off about him.

Henry ran and jumped over the coral, plants, and rocks almost in a supernatural way. Something was off about Henry, something terrible. A dark, angered look was on his soft face but covered by his free shoulder length hair. He raced towards the group, eyes settled on the pirate. His arm rose, his sword high in the sky as he leaped over a bolder towards Jack.

Jack pushed Carina and Evelyn out of harms way, causing them to face plant into the sandy ground. Even as Evelyn hit the ground, she rolled on to her back to watch what would happen.

Will shouted Henry's name, the sound of a scolding laced with pure shock resting there.

Jack pulled out his sword and began to cross blades with Henry, grunting and dodging each strong blow.

"Henry, what the hell is going on?" Will scolding, walking up to grab his son's shoulder. The boy whipped around, looking at Will as if he was a stranger. He began swinging his sword at Will, causing the man to begin to fight back.

Evelyn let out a violent gasp, her body flinching at the sudden, aggressive action from her son.

"Evelyn! Come this way." Carina spoke, grabbing Evelyn's hand. The two women got to their feet. As Carina dragged Evelyn towards the Trident, the strawberry blonde couldn't help but keep looking over her shoulder to watch her son fight his father and uncle. "Help me with the Trident!" Carina called over the noise.

Evelyn snapped her head forward, nodding as they climbed up the rocks it rested on. She placed her sword in her sheath and began to try to pull the Trident out. The two women grunted and pulled on the neck of the object. Their fingers slipped against the Trident due to the wetness as ocean water rained harder on them.

"Hold on!" Carina shouted, taking a step back from the Trident.

Evelyn mimicked the girl's actions, panting softly. She watched as Carina stepped down where the Trident was stuck. Her action caused water to shot out of the ground, sending both women flying back on to the rock. Laying on her back, Evelyn grunted, choking on the water that rushed into her mouth and nose, blinking away the water. She whipped around, noticing the Trident stuck just down below them on the ground.

"Come on." Evelyn croaked to Carina, clearing her throat. Together, they raced down the rocks and over the coral beds.

But Carina was slightly faster.

She slipped down ahead of Evelyn, bending down to grab a hold of the Trident. Suddenly, Henry was there right before her, trying to grab on to the object.

Evelyn gasped at Henry fighting Carina over dominance of the Trident. "Henry Turner, what has gotten into you!" She shouted at her son. Narrowing her eyes, she noticed dark veins covering his face and a freshly made cut on his cheek.

Before she even realized, Henry caused a force to come from the Trident, sending Carina flying across the sky, landing on the ground.

"Carina!" Evelyn screamed, watching the girl gasp for breath at the sudden impact on her. She snapped her head in Henry's direction, noticing how he hid behind the Trident that stood perfectly up. "Henry..." She said hesitantly, taking a slow step closer. Something fell from behind the Trident that startled her.

On the ground rested Henry.

Evelyn returned her eyes to the Trident, noticing the monster behind it.

Forever and Always (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now