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The small dingy swayed against the crystal blue  waves, squishing noises coming from around the sides of the tiny vessel. Carina, Evelyn, Henry, Jack, and Will sat aboard together. Nobody looked happy, except Jack who sat with relief written across his face.

"Mutiny? You had to suggest mutiny?" Carina questioned Jack. Out of all things, Jack had to do that. It was the only way to get off the Dying Gull without having to fight Jack's crew.

Evelyn rested her elbow on her knee, placing her chin in her hand, listening to the group talk.

"Carina, the dead are coming." Henry warned from beside Evelyn. Will and Henry both rowed the dingy across the water, squishing Evelyn in the middle.

"Well I choose not to believe in supernatural nonsense." Carina figuratively waved off the subject, straightening her shoulders and raising her chin.

"Do you not see what's behind us?" Henry question, hints of panic in his voice and light fear coating his eyes.

Carina and Jack didn't turn around, only remaining silent.

But Evelyn narrowed her eyes at Jack, tilting her head. "Jack." The pirate looked at her. "You've been awfully quiet." She pointed out suspiciously.

Jack's eyes flickered in a way Evelyn couldn't make out. "I'm fine." His voice cracked, causing everyone to give him a strange look. He cleared his throat, speaking out again. "I'm fine." He gave a lazy smile.

Evelyn glanced between her husband and son, the three sharing a long and tired look. They all shrugged and returned to their state from before.

Carina rose to her feet, beginning to unbutton her blue dress. Jack looked up at her with heavy interest while Will and Evelyn awkwardly looked away.

"What are you doing?" Henry stopped rowing, looking up at her like she was mad.

She continued to fiddle with her buttons. "The men on that ship are looking for Jack and Jack is on this boat. So I'm going to swim for it." She explained.

Evelyn looked up at Carina. "Do you think that's the best idea?" She asked, unsure of what to do. Carina didn't answer, already making up her mind as she continued to undress. Evelyn looked to Will who kept his eyes on the ocean beside him.

"How dare you do exactly what I would do if I were you." Jack spoke, looking up at her.

"Carina, stop that." Henry protested.

"No, no, no. Don't stop that." Jack exclaimed.

"Jack!" Will scolded the pirate, glancing at him.

Henry glared at the pirate, looking back to the girl. "This had gone far enough."

"No, it has not." Jack spoke quickly, turning his head to look up at Carina, as she ripped off her blue dress, standing in her undergarments. "Listen not to him. Carry on. Carry on." He coaxed her.

Evelyn snapped her head in his direction. "Jack Sparrow." She scolded, looking up as Carina dived off the side of the dingy.

"Why? She was almost finished." Jack whispered sadly to himself.

Henry turned back, looking at Jack. "I saw her ankles." He said, a small smile forming on his lips. Evelyn's eyes grew wide as she whipped around to smack him upside the head. "Ow!" He exclaimed, rubbing where she hit. "Sorry, mother." Henry said shamefully.

Evelyn moved to side next to Jack for more room, not acknowledging her son.

"You'd have seen a lot more if you kept your cake hole shut." Jack spoke, a little irritation in his voice.

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