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The golden, early morning sun poured into the bedroom. It's warm glow created an invisible blanket of warmth that covered the sleeping couple in their bed. A gentle breeze blew through the room causing, blowing along the white curtains of the open window.

The salty, cool breeze kissed against a sleeping Evelyn's face, causing her to stir softly. A small, faint smile grew on her lips at the sun on her face, and the breeze in her bed hair. Breathing out, she slowly opened her eyes, looking out her open window. The morning was beautiful, peaceful even. It was the kind of morning they hadn't experiences in months.

Evelyn's mind, for the first time in awhile, was silent, clear of any thoughts. She could see the palm tree branches sway in a gentle dance in the breeze. The sense of ease she was experiencing was almost unnerving but she wouldn't dare to complain.

Before she realized it, warm, strong arms wrapped around her upper body. A subtle masculine hum reached her ear while a head came closing. The smile on her face grew at this, a sense of giddiness forming.

"Good morning, love." Will's raspy, morning voice reached in her ear, making her toes curl under the comforter. His lips pressed against her cheek, lingering for a moment. Every time he did this, she couldn't help but let out a small giggle.

After a moment, she turned in his arms, coming face to face with her husband. "Good morning." She spoke quietly, shyness lacing her words.

Will gave her a sweet smile. His hands rubbed against her nightgown on her back. "Happy birthday." Instantly, his lips were on hers, molding into them. He pressed his hands to her back, pulling her closer to his chest.

They pulled apart, staring into each other's eyes. "Thank you." Evelyn blushed, snuggling the side of her face into the pillow.

"I have quite a surprise planned for you later." Will started, mimicking her actions. The one sentence Will always seemed to word differently each year. No matter what she did, she could never get Will to crack on the surprise. Even when their children were born, Evelyn still couldn't get them to crack. Occasionally, Charlie would some how manage to let slip a small detail because that's just who he was. Henry and Amelia were tough ones to crack, no details or clues would be given by them. Charlie tended to struggle keeping secrets from Evelyn, but always managed to keep her birthday surprises away from her ears.

Evelyn gave Will a little playful glare. "Still won't admit anything?" A teasing smile toyed on her lips.

The morning breeze swept in the room again, blowing through Evelyn's strawberry blonde hair, over Will's long brown locks. "Nothing." He confirmed, eyes locking with hers. "Why is it every year I try to plan a nice surprise for you, and you want it spoiled?" Curiosity was there in words.

"I don't want it spoiled," she started, "I just want to know that's all." A cheeky grin grew on her face. True she didn't want it spoiled but she could never help her curiosity, it was a small curse.

Laughter flowed from Will, a beautiful sound to hear, especially on quiet mornings like this. Calming his hearty sound, he looked back at Evelyn, reaching out to move a strand of hair behind her ear, curling his fingers down her face. Little affections, major meanings.

The two laid there, staring at one another in silence, peaceful nature sounds filling the void. Peace is where they were in the world currently. Peace was something they hadn't felt in awhile, it still so strange but still so wonderful.

At last, Will let out a small sigh through his nose, a calming type of sigh. "I can't remember a morning like this." He admitted, tucking his hand under his head and pillow.

Evelyn hummed. "Neither can I. It's like we've finally accomplished everything we wanted and now we're in a position where we can have peace with no guilt or consequences." She can't ever recall that feeling. They did everything important they were determined to do. Save themselves, save Jack, save piracy, got married, had a family, and now finally saved Will's father. They did it all. It almost felt like they were stuck in a dream, a dream one were to have before death, one to set them at ease before they were to go. But this was real life, it was true. Evelyn could hardly believe how much in their life until this point they've done.

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