(Request) King's reaction

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written for a very special reader  sorry for the long wait


King POV

Never in a million years did I expect to be put in this situation.

When Drole and Gloxinia had told me and Diane they would have us take a test, I didn't think much of it, but now that I was in this situation I was left speechless.

I was currently in Gloxinia's body and Diane was in Drole's. If that wasn't enough of a surprise we had been sent back into time by 3000 years.

None of this was anything like what I had imagined. It was beyond what I had expected but I knew that I had to get stronger. This was the only way. Now that I did know what to expect I wanted to finish this as soon as possible.

I sat there bewildered as I looked up at the sky. Interestingly enough, we had recently met Elizabeth and Meliodas. It was so... strange.

This world was completely different from the one I was used to.

We were supposed to correct one of their choices.

I was still trying to decide which one it was how drastic it would be in order to get out.

It was then that I began to sense someone approaching me from afar. I turned around slowly as I spotted a fairy come close to me.

She had long blonde hair that seemed to reach her knees, as well as blue shining eyes. She had a rather tiny frame and she was smiling at me.

I stood there awkwardly as she kept coming closer. Did she know me...or rather...did she know Gloxinia?

I had never seen her before so I simply stood there patiently.

"You're back," she said.

I nodded nervously, "Yeah..."

Upon seeing my reaction her facial expression dropped.

"What are you not excited to see me?" she looked down at the ground with a saddened expression.

"N-no that's not it-"

She looked straight at me and upon her eyes meeting mine I realized something peculiar, Gloxinia probably had a special relationship with this fairy.

Yes, it was true that I had never seen or heard about this fairy before but it wasn't hard to see. 

I desperately tried to figure out the connection between the two but I was snapped out of my thoughts when she approached me further.

She was blushing heavily and I couldn't help but blush back at how close she was to me and how strange this situation was.

It was then that an idea popped up in my mind.

His lover?

She spoke, " I made you this bracelet,"  she said as she shyly handed me a pink flower bracelet.

I looked curiously at the sudden gift and I slowly took it from her as my eyes met hers.

Gloxinia had a lover?

Suddenly I felt a source of flaming heat make its way towards my cheeks. I couldn't find the words to describe how embarrassed I felt.

"T-Thank y-you," I managed to stutter out.

She was rather surprised at my reaction and she let out a soft giggle in response. 

I stood there stunned as my thoughts ran wild.

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