20| Epilouge

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Last chapter :)

Gloxinia POV

I was rushing through the forest. Where was she? Where were they?

Finally, I saw it.

There in front of me was Gerheade. She was being held by Rou and she was dressed in blood.

Her wings were cut off, the right side of her face was bloody, her legs were...

I felt an uncontrollable sense of anger fill me up as I looked at him.

How dare he.

Without even thinking, I summoned my spear and stabbed him through.




I looked down at his dead body in silence as I walked towards him. I wanted to bring him back to life so I could kill him again.

However that wasn't possible.

My eyes wandered over to Gerheade and I was about to reach out to her when something caught my eye.

I immediately left Gerheade before heading towards what I thought I saw.

On the grass, not too far away, my heartbeat sky rocketed and I found myself crying even harder than before.


Her silky blonde hair covered the left side of her face, her expression was one of peace and her hands laid gently at her side.

I felt a surge of hatred run through me.

I hated them.

I hated all humans.

I never truly understood why Mira hated them so much until now.

I looked behind me slowly at Rou's dead body. I shouldn't have trusted him.

I should've protected everyone myself.

I slowly crouched down towards Mira as I stared at her silently.

My tears rolled continuously down my cheeks as I reached two fingers towards her neck, waiting patiently to feel her pulse. As expected, she was gone.

If they had killed her there was no doubt in my mind that Gerheade had met the same fate.

A hollow feeling seemed to fill me up as I looked at Mira.

"I'm sorry," I said gently, "I broke my promise, didn't I?"

I looked up at the sky. Why me? Why was I the one who had to suffer this fate?

I didn't want to be here.

I wanted to be with everyone again.

I looked back down at Mira and as I stared down at her I felt all the realizations sink in.

I would never get to talk to her again. I would never get to see her blush and be flustered. The way she smiled and her quirky responses would be something of the past.

The days where we could be together were over.

Mira was gone.

My sister was gone.

Everything was gone.

In that moment, I think I realized what true despair was.


3000 years later...

In the end, a lot of things happened...

I had ended up turning my back on stigma and fighting with the Ten Commandments only to switch over and fight for good again.

Meliodas, Elizabeth, King and Diane had all escaped.

So I had gone up against Chandler with Drole but it was no use as we seemed to be defeated.

So here I am, lying on the ground as my vision decreases rapidly with each passing second.

Here I am, being the worst brother in existence lying here dying.


And yet despite all the pain I feel...

I'm at peace.


How strange.

Perhaps it's because I know I'll get to see  a familiar fairy again.

I've waited 3000 years to see her.

It's been much too long.

So as I took my final breath everything went black.

There was nothing there...

and then there was.


"I've been waiting for you," she said.

I smiled.

"I know."


Peaches | Gloxinia is now complete!

Thank you to all the viewers who read the story

Special thanks to DosesOfInsanity for listening to my crazy ideas and helping me stay motivated

In any case, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it :)

What was your favourite moment?


-Jewleya ♡

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