07| Gerheade

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A/N: Update after a long time :) 

Mira POV

Gloxinia, we're just friends, aren't we?

 I was lying on the branch of a tall tree while staring up at the sky. I couldn't think, or rather I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened yesterday. I and Gloxinia were just friends. We were just friends so why did I feel this way? Why did I feel so warm when I was around him? Why was I avoiding him? 

Why did it feel as if I was lying to myself?

I sat up slowly as I took one more look at the orange sky before getting up. I straightened myself out before I flew to the ground and began walking. Most people were already with their families and I was still here because if I went back to my treehouse it would only remind me of how my parents weren't home and that was something I didn't want to happen.

I continued walking and it wasn't long before someone caught my eye.


I looked above me to see a fairy with light brown hair and purple eyes. 

There was a silence between us.


I quickly flew to her and gave her a hug. 

She stiffened surprised before hugging me back. When we finally disconnected from our hug she looked at me curiously.

"Why are you on this side of the forest?" she asked, "didn't you tell me this place is haunted."

I looked around and smiled. She was right. When the sun was setting this side of the forest looked scary with its tall trees. 

"Today I felt like being haunted."

She tilted her head and I smiled at her, "Let's find somewhere to talk."


I sat on a rock drinking apple juice as I listened to Gerheade restate everything I had just told her.

"So basically there's this guy that's been helping you train.."

I nodded my head.

"and he's been really supportive and stuff..."

I nodded.

"and you think you might like him?"

I nodded once again as I took a sip of apple juice. 

Gerheade looked up at the night sky as she thought deeply, "I don't know if I trust this guy. I'll have to meet him first," she said before sipping on her apple juice.

I blushed before speaking," I feel like I've been avoiding him since yesterday."

She nodded slowly, "So what's his name?"

I looked up at her with a smile, "His name is Gloxinia."

It wasn't even two seconds later that she began choking on her apple juice. 

I immediately went to help her and it was only after she calmed down that she tried to speak, "Mira, Gloxinia's my bro-"

"Hey, Mira!"

There was a silence as I watched a figure come out of the darkness of the trees and walk towards me.

There stood Gloxinia and I felt as if I had been caught doing something bad. I stood there unable to speak as I looked straight at Gerheade and she facepalmed. 

"What are you two doing here?"

Gerheade quickly responded before I could, " We were just talking."

Gloxinia looked at her, "You were supposed to be home by now."

I tilted my head, "Home? Do you two know each other?"

Gloxinia looked at me before giving a slight smirk, "She's my sister."

I looked at her shocked as I felt my face heat up,"Why didn't you tell-"

"I tried to," she said cutting me off, "but he came out of nowhere."




I felt my eyes start to flutter rapidly and I was about to speak when I felt light-headed.  I stumbled a bit and Gloxinia ran to catch me.

"Are you alright?" 

I nodded before trying to get stand up again but before I knew it everything went black.

Gloxinia POV

She had fainted. I was piggybacking her as I walked Gerheade home. Her face had gone pale right after I had told her Gerheade was my sister. I didn't know why that had shocked her as much as it did.

"What were you two talking about?" I asked.

My sister looked over her shoulder at me before smiling, "You."

I tilted my head, "What do you mean you?"

"We were talking about you," she said smiling as she looked up at the night sky.

"Can I do something crazy, brother?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. This was unusual.

"Sure go ahead."

She looked directly into my eyes, "She likes you, brother."

I felt myself stiffen as I slowly looked behind me at the unconscious Mira who was resting on my shoulder. I looked around trying to fully comprehend the situation before looking back at Gerheade.

"Why would you tell me that?" I said my voice mixed with a bit of shock and curiosity. 

She smiled, "Don't act like that information didn't make you happy. Just a few days ago you were the one telling me about this cute girl you were training... and how you kind of liked her."

I immediately scoffed and smiled," I guess you're right."

We continued walking and we made it to our tree. 

"Go inside," I said.

She smiled, "What about Mira?"

"Don't worry about her. I'll take care of her."

She chuckled," See you."

I watched as she went inside and I looked at Mira.

'Now I just have to wait until you wake up'

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