01| Brother

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Mira POV

"Mom, can I take Mira out for a second?"

I was sitting in a bright lighted room looking out the window when I heard my brother ask my mom that question.

I excitedly got up and pressed my ear against the door waiting in anticipation for her to answer.

"She's grounded! You know that?! 
After everything she did when we weren't around she deserves to be in there."

Her voice was annoyed and I figured she was still mad at me. It wasn't my fault I had gotten in a fight with another fairy. She had been talking about me behind my back.

"Mom, please," he said.

There was a silence and I crossed my fingers as I awaited her answer.

 She sighed,"Fine, but only for a short while."

My eyes lit up before I backed away from the door slowly and I heard footsteps approach.

The door opened a few seconds later and there stood my brother. 

His long blonde hair went down to his waist and he was in his usual attire with his baggy green pants.

He smiled when he saw me and I tackled him at once.

He fell and I smiled,"Good job, brother. I owe you one."

He sighed giving me a slight smirk before lifting me off of him and standing up.

"Listen up. Today we're going to go to the sacred tree."

I tilted my head baffled at what he was saying.

"Mom says I'm not allowed to go there yet."

He rolled his eyes,"Well I'm not mom."

I jumped for joy as I quickly held hands with him as we walked to our front door and flew out of our tree house.

"Be safe!" I heard my mom yell as we flew.

As soon as I felt the breeze against my body I felt happy. It had been quite some time since I had gone anywhere. Ever since my mother and father came back from guarding the forest from the humans I've been grounded.

I got blamed for most of the fight with that girl because I caused more damage.

What they don't know was that brother was there watching me and he didn't even stop me! He just told me to handle my business. 

I held my brothers hand as we flew high up into the sky and back down just in time to see the sacred tree. It was massive.

I gulped. It looked huge from a far but up close it was even bigger. My eyes wandered looking all over the place and only after a while did I realize my brother was watching me.

He was smiling of course. I'm sure he found my reaction amusing.

We came even closer to the tree to a place where something was written.

I smiled,"Who vandalized the sacred tree?"

He hit me on the head and I yelped before rubbing it.

"No one did and on top of that why were you smiling?"

I giggled before looking back at the writing,"Who wrote this?"

He looked down at it," It's been around for years. It just appeared. Read it," he said.

I looked down at it and saw what it said.

A solar eclipse will block out the sky. The sky will be blackened. 365 days after a ruler of the fairies will be chosen. They will be awarded immeasurable power. There will be a fairy fit for the task, a chosen one, who will protect the forest from the troubled days to come.

I blinked a couple times before I gulped and I looked up at my brother to see him smiling at me.

"I want to become the ruler of the fairies. So I can protect our kind from the humans and so that mom, dad and the others won't have to overwork themselves."

I smiled brightly before giving him a pat on the back,"You can do it brother! I believe in you."

He nodded,"When that day comes...the solar eclipse I want you to accept everything. I want you to be happy. Think of it as a way to celebrate your elder brother. Can you do that?"

I nodded.

"Thanks Mira."


'Thanks Mira'

Those words repeated in my head as I looked down at my brother's dead body.

His wings were ripped off, his body covered in blood and there was a smile on his face.

I stood there shocked as tears came to my eyes. It was raining as if the sky was also crying over my brothers death.

My mom was screaming and crying and my dad couldn't even bear to look at him. There was a crowd of fairies surrounding him many of them teary eyed.

He was a well known kind fairy so to see him like this...there were no words.

I just stood there staring my eyes wide open.

I began to shake and before I knew it I wanted to puke.

I swallowed hard.

He wanted to protect the fairies? I understood what he meant. I wanted to now as well. 

I was going to become the ruler of fairies no matter what.

I would live his dream for him.


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