14| Ruler of Fairies

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A/N:  Drum roll please 🥁

Ah, we are finally here.
This chapter ;)

The wait is now over.
Enjoy <3


Mira POV

Today was the day the ruler of fairies would be chosen.

I sat on the rock where me and Gloxinia had first met in silence.

Today was the day my dream would either come true or fail miserably.

I felt groggy, overworked and tired but sleeping wouldn't heal me. The only thing that could heal me at the moment was seeing the results of all my hard work.

I was sad for some reason, I hadn't been feeling any type of happiness lately. It was if life had become all about my goal.

The day seemed to pass so slowly until noon. The sky began to get extremely bright and fairies were beginning to come outside.

I was already outside so I just headed towards where the majority of fairies were.

A surprised look made its way on my face as I walked around. There were fairies flying in the air and sitting on the ground.

There were lots of fruits everywhere and I felt curious. I watched as fairies were talking to each other and I frowned.

I also wanted to talk to my friends.

That's when I felt a pang of sadness wash over me.


I felt as if my chest tighten all of a sudden.


Would I be able to beat him? Was all the training I had done enough? I had trained so hard. It had to be enough.

I began to walk around. Where was he? Where in the world was he?

I finally saw him.

He was surrounded by fairies.

I backed up away from him before just watching in silence.

The little fairies we had played tag with and a couple other fairies I had never seen before were talking to him.

I felt so distant.

I looked at his face and I couldn't help but notice the tiredness in his eyes.

I wondered if he felt similar to how I felt. I knew I would never be able to tell by his facial expression, he was really good at hiding negative emotions.

I frowned.

It was then that I felt a hand on my shoulder," Cheer up Mira!"

I looked over to see it was Gerheade and smiled, for the first time today.

Gloxinia POV

How was it that I was talking to other fairies yet my mind was fixated on Mira?

She was talking to Gerheade and I was trying  my best not to look at her.

I wondered if she was thinking of me as much as I was thinking of her.

The last ten days had been terrible for me. I felt this overwhelming load of nervousness and now that today was here my heart was pounding.

I managed to keep my facial expression clear as I wondered about all that was about to happen.

Was the 'ruler of fairies' title more important to her than our friendship?


No this wasn't just a friendship.

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