08| Not Ready

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Mira POV

I felt my eyes open slowly and I felt a groggy feeling wash over me.

Where was I? I looked around slowly to see I was lying on a tree and my family's tree house was right behind me. I didn't remember walking here so how was it that I was here?

"You're awake?"

I looked beside me to see Gloxinia sitting there. I felt a smile make its way on my face and I sat up slowly.

We made eye contact for a couple seconds before he reached his hand out. I stiffened only to relax when he began taking grass out of my hair.

What was I getting so nervous for?

"Mira...thinking back I'm really happy you asked me to be friends with you."

I smiled as I rubbed my eyes,"This is rare. Did something happen?"

"Nothing much," he said, " I just took Gerheade home and then came here. I was planning on dropping you off in your tree house but when I got here no one was home."

I faced him before smiling,"My parents went to protect the forest yesterday. I got a little depressed yesterday and I really appreciate it how you cheered me up. It got me thinking..."

I looked into Gloxinia's golden eyes to see he was looking straight into mine," I'm really happy we're friends."

Gloxinia narrowed his eyes, " You sound disappointed somehow though."

I gave a fake smile," Do I?"

"You know Mira if there's something you want to tell me you can always just say it."

My eyes widened a bit as I felt a light breeze blow through the forest.

"Gloxinia I..."

Just say it.


I can't. I'm not ready.

"I think I should go inside now."

He nodded,"I understand."

I got up and flew to the top of my tree before opening the door, "Hey Gloxinia!"

He looked up from the ground at me.

"You're amazing!" I said.

I saw him smile before waving and walking away and I felt a smile grow on my face.

It was confirmed. I liked him.


Gloxinia POV

When was it exactly that I began to like Mira?

I wasn't so sure myself. I couldn't really put my finger on it. It just kind of happened. After a while I would catch myself thinking of her and it was a little confusing. What did it mean to like someone?

I didn't know the answer but what I did know was that when I was around Mira I felt warm inside.

I looked up at the moon as the wind blew violently through the forest. It was cold.

I took a deep breath out before flying through the forest quickly.

I now knew Mira liked me to some degree. Despite that I wouldn't say anything. There was no way I could.

I wanted everything to come naturally.

I continued flying until I made it the ginormous tree in our forest. I looked down at the writing as I skimmed my fingers over the writing.

233 days left.

I frowned. What was the point of all this?

Why was this job so important to so many fairies? This would only divide us. If it really wanted to pick a fairy king why couldn't it just do it out of the blue?

So many fairies were out there training hard for a position only one fairy could get. It was a waste of time and only going to hurt them.

There was a silence as I glared at the tree knowing it could end up hurting a certain someone.


Mira... what would you do if you didn't become the ruler of fairies?


Mira, why do you want to become the ruler of fairies?


The answers were mysteries to me.


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