09| Truth or Dare

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Gloxinia POV

My legs were crossed, my eyes were closed and I was deep in thought.

You would probably think that sitting on the edge of a cliff with your eyes closed would be scary, but not for me.

I did this all the time.

I felt a breeze flow through the forest and I slowly opened my eyes.

It had been two days since I had seen Mira and she had invited me to go meet up with her in the forest.

Of course I would, but I had this uneasy feeling looming over me. I had no idea why, but it felt as if I was leading myself to destruction.

I had trained Mira for the longest time and I knew that she would soon realize just how strong I was.

She wasn't stupid.

When I saw the sacred tree I was filled with worries. I knew my strength. There was no doubt in my mind I was stronger than Mira.

It was only a matter of time.

I looked up at the sky as I got up and stretched.
My long red hair was in a braid, and my golden eyes scanned the area.

I walked slowly away from the cliff and through the forest until I made it to a certain barren place.

I hid behind a tree as I looked at her. Her long blonde hair covered her face and she was holding something in her hand.

I approached from behind her and walked closer to her.

"Where is he?" I heard her mumble as I inched closer to her.

I couldn't help but smile. How was it that she could be so adorable?

I continued to inch closer until I was directly behind her. It seemed her guard wasn't up because the Mira I had trained should've known I was this close by now.

I prepared my voice to scare her when-

"Gloxinia, I know you're there."

I frowned immediately. She had gotten better at it. I smiled before walking around her so she could see me.

"No training today?" I asked as I sat down in front of her.

She shook her head as her blue eyes looked into mine, "You were the one who told me to not to train on beautiful days."

I smiled, "You remembered."

She nodded as we stared at each other in a comfortable silence.

My eye wandered a bit until  they landed on the small container she was holding. It was wrapped in what looked like a velvet covering and it seemed to peak my curiosity.

"What's that?" I said breaking the silence.

She looked down at the container she was holding and began to stroke the smooth velvet covering before speaking, "I was stressed yesterday... and when I'm stressed I usually end up cooking."

She placed it on my lap,"It's a gift... for you."

I looked down at it before slowly unwrapping the covering and my eyes widened when I saw blueberry muffins.

" Thank you," I said in a soft voice.


The sun was setting and Mira and I were lying on the grass beside each other.

We had been talking for hours and it was then that I got an idea. I turned my head so I could face her.

"Mira, let's play truth or dare."

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