17 | Promise

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Mira POV

Gloxinia and I had moved into the sacred tree.

We were surrounded by flowers and plants and I couldn't help but smile at the scenery. It was so beautiful. I never knew such a pretty place existed.

He was looking at me and I was avoiding eye contact.

I sat on the grass as he floated in the air  in front of me not bothering to land.

I could hear crickets chirping from the forest outside and the sound was somewhat comforting. My hands were preoccupied playing with the grass but my mind was somewhere completely different.

I wondered what was about to happen.

"Are you mad at me?"

I stiffened at the sound of his sudden voice before shaking my head.

"Mira please speak."

I bit my lip , "I'm not mad at all. I actually feel sad more than anything."

"So why didn't you come to see me? Why were you avoiding me?"

I looked down at the grass I was tugging, "I didn't think I was avoiding you," I said just above a whisper.

"It's been a month since I've seen you."

I looked at him with sad eyes," We're both guilty. You didn't come to see me either."

He looked at me with eyes of curiosity as he finally stopped floating and sat in front of me.

I felt my heart begin to beat a bit faster. I examined his golden eyes and long red hair before feeling my cheeks heat up.

"You know," he began, "You never did tell me why you wanted to become the ruler of fairies in the first place."

I nodded, "I'm aware."

I heard him scoff before sighing, "Mira."

I tilted my head at him.

"Be careful."


He looked up in silence, "I can sense danger you know, like something's coming."

"You and your weird antics," I mumbled.

He smiled a bit before rolling his eyes.

I felt myself relax a bit. He seemed to pushing this conversation forward. I decided I would return the favour.

"How's it like being fairy king?" I asked.

He looked at me before sighing, "Nothing's really changed. I'm still the same me just under a different title. What about you? Have you changed?"

I looked at him in silence as I felt shivers run up my spine. A bunch of sad thoughts filled my mind and I forced a smile.

"Ever since I lost to you I've-"

He cut me off, "Don't say it like that."

His eyes were firm and I could tell somehow it made him upset or perhaps uncomfortable.

I sighed as I thought of how to rephrase it, "Ever since a month ago, I realized I don't really know myself. This whole time I've been chasing after my goal, limiting the amount of friends I have, training intensely and never really getting to know me as me."

His golden eyes scanned me over, "Sounds like you're having a identity crisis."

I nodded.

I bit my lip, "I've been thinking... perhaps I should leave the forest."

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