19| Clouds

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Mira POV

I was sitting on a tree branch looking curiously at my surroundings.

I was encircled by giants, humans, as well people from the goddess clan.

We were in front of the light of grace and I stared at it in awe. I had never been here before. As I looked at the large tower with it's grand steps, I found myself fascinated.

This place was actually quite pretty.

On top of that, despite the fact I was around other races, I found myself feeling comfortable. It was quite peaceful sitting here as the wind blew through the forest.

I looked down to see Gerheade talking to Rou. She and him already seemed very natural together.

I mentally scolded myself.

This was not the time to be feeling so happy, we were in a dire situation.

My smile faded as I sighed.

The demon race was here, I had to be careful. A few minutes passed of us sitting when an announcement made it's way through the forest.

"Members of Stigma, can you hear me?"

I looked around confused.

"The ten commandments have taken over the light of grace. Please rush to the gate way. We must defeat them. There are two commandments. The two intruders don't seem to be warrior types, we can defeat them with our superior numbers. "

I felt my eyebrows furrow at the news. A rotten feeling seemed to fill me up as I looked down at the grass beneath me. I couldn't believe all of this was happening in the same day. I hoped Gloxinia was okay, wherever he was.

Suddenly Rou got up.

"Look's like it's finally showtime for us."

I watched him curiously as he began to walk towards the light of grace.

I sighed as I looked up at the clouds. Two commandments, huh?

Did they really stand a chance against them? Another thought seemed to cross my mind and I frowned.

Would I join them?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud thump come from in front of me. Quick as a flash, I turned my head to see what had happened. I looked down in horror to see one of the giants on the ground.


The giant was on his back and there was blood oozing from his neck.

The sight of it made me anxious.

What had just happened? Why was he on the ground like that?

I looked around until my eyes landed on Rou. His expression was emotionless as he looked down at nothing particular.

Even more alarming, his sword was stained with blood.

I stiffened as my mind went in circles as I thought of what I should. I immediately flew towards Gerheade. I squeezed her hand upon seeing her expression of shock.

If there was anything I would make sure of, it was that Gerheade wouldn't get hurt.

My eyes landed back on Rou to see his foot was placed over a fairy's chest. He had stabbed him and I watched as he slowly removed his sword from the fairy.

It was in that second that something changed, a switch seemed to turn on.

I was angry.

I felt my cheeks begin to warm up as I clenched my fist. There was no way I was going to just stand here and watch this.

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