12| Memories

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Mira POV

I was standing in front of the sacred tree in silence. My blonde hair was flowing in the wind. I felt calm as my blue eyes scanned over the text on the tree.

83 more days.

My heart was beating slowly and I was surprisingly shocked. I couldn't believe that in less than a year my life had changed so much. I had gotten so much stronger, I had gotten to know the forest and most importantly I had met Gloxinia.

I was thankful for everything.


I felt pressure though.

Every day that passed I felt more and more pressure.

This goal made me so tense and sometimes I wondered if everything I was doing was worth it.

All for my brother.


It had been such a long time since I had found myself thinking about him. Now I could finally feel all the memories flooding back in. I thought of his voice, his kind demeanor and his image and I felt a weird feeling.

Suddenly I felt like crying and I immediately swallowed the lump that was making it's way up my throat. I hated thinking about him. I couldn't handle it, even after all this time. I just couldn't do it. It showed me my heart still hadn't fully healed.

I stared at the tree with sad eyes.

It was then I sensed a presence heading my way very quickly. It was fast, swift, and quite impressive.

I had found that over time it was actually easier to sense slower movements so I was quite happy. A fairy was travelling at this speed? The only fairy I knew who could go that fast was Gloxinia but I knew it wasn't him because I couldn't smell that addictive gingery smell he had.

I turned around to see a fairy I had never seen before. He was wearing a purple outfit and he had long curly blue hair. His facial expression was smug and it seemed he had come to the sacred tree to marvel over the text as well.

His aura was making me uncomfortable.

We made eye contact, and I looked away.

"And who are you?"

I bit my lip. His voice was a bit rude and he was looking at me with a certain gaze that made me feel small.

Was there not a way I could marvel at the tree without speaking to him?

I had no intention of making a scene though, I was not in the mood. I was no longer the same fairy who would fight others because I didn't like there choice of words.

I looked at him but I decided not to say much, "I'm just a curious fairy."

He nodded, "Of course, there's no way a fairy like you could be anything more than that."

I felt something begin to bubble up inside of me but I had no idea what it was.  I felt a little insulted. What did he mean by that?

"What do you mean?"

He scanned over me before scoffing, "I mean you look so fragile I thought that-"

My facial expression immediately dropped and I tilted my head at him. My eyes stared at him, daring him to speak another word. He thought I was fragile? If he kept talking he would really see which one of us was fragile.

I scared him for a moment but I watched as his facial expression changed from one of shock to a smirk.

"So you mean to tell me you're actually trying to become the ruler of fairies?"

"And if I am?"

He began to laugh and I frowned. What would Lilen do in this situation?

I could feel a smile warm my face as for once his memory brought me happiness. He would  just fly away.

So I did just that.


I turned around to face him.

"Who are you really?" he asked.

I thought for a moment, thinking about how to answer the question before smirking, "You'll know on the day I become the ruler of fairies."

I saw his eyes narrow and I smiled.

"Have a goodnight."

And with that I disappeared into the forest.

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