03| Eclipse

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Gloxinia POV

A fairy. I looked up to see a fairy with long blonde hair sitting on a rock. It was raining heavily and I didn't expect anyone else to be outside and yet here someone was.

The fairy sat there as the rain poured down relentlessy.

I was soaking wet but I actually was enjoying the rain. After taking a few steps I realized the fairy was crying.

The crying was soft and gentle so I suspected it was a girl.

It was none of my business and I probably should have walked away right there but seeing a fairy crying while being drenched in the rain is a slightly disturbing sight.

I walked a little closer to see I was right. She was a female. She was curled up in a ball now and she looked up at the sky before looking back down.

I wondered why she was crying but I realized I really didn't need to know.

I approached her and spoke,"You know, it really is none of my buisness but you shouldn't be crying in the rain."

She stiffened as she looked up from the ball she was in and looked down at me with curious eyes.

"Who are you?" she asked.

I looked up at her and it was obvious she had been crying for a long time.

"I'm Gloxinia."

She quickly began to wipe away her tears trying to mask the fact that she had been crying.

It was too late. I had already seen her.

She continued to stare at me and was about to say something when thunder struck.

She jumped and I scoffed before covering my mouth trying not to laugh.

She frowned and suddenly the rain stopped.

We both looked up at the sky. Why so suddenly? Something was wrong.

The clouds were moving so quickly and the sky was getting dark all of a sudden. It was unbelievable.

"What's going on?" she said.

"I don't know," I said shrugging before watching as the sky turned black.

The sun was being swallowed up by darkness and fairies were coming out to see what was going on. Murmurs from fairies around us filled the forest. Everyone was wondering what was going on.

I looked up at the sky to see something was blocking it and I knew at once, this was an eclipse.

Suddenly there was a light. I looked around to see where it was coming from.

The sacred tree was glowing.

Immediately the female fairy I had just met began to fly towards it.

"W-Wait up," I said as I followed her.

She went even faster so I did as well.

"What's your name?"

"Mira," she said.

We made it there quite quickly and the letters on the trees were glowing.

It seemed the old legend would come true soon enough.

I didn't really care.

I looked down at it and more and more fairies came to see until there was a crowd standing around it.

I looked over at Mira and her eyes looked determined.

She seemed happy all of a sudden in contrast of how she just had been.

She looked at me at once and I stiffened.

What was going on?

She grabbed my shoulders and looked deep in my eyes. I stiffened.

"I'm supposed to accept everything that comes my way today. I'm sure that mean's your important Gloxinia."

I tilted my head confused at what she was saying.

I blinked a couple times as she looked at me.

"Hey Gloxinia, be my friend."

There was a silence before I burst out laughing and it wasn't until I looked up that I realized she was dead serious.

I gave a small smile before I removed her hands from my shoulders and shook her hand.

"Sure," I said.

This could be fun.

Our hands disconnected after that and she smiled brightly. Coincidentally right after that the sky cleared immediately.

The sun shined and yet again something was there.

'365 days' it said.

I looked up at the sky with narrowed eyes. A ruler would be chosen in a year.

I wondered who it would be.


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