02| Rain

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7 years later...

Mira POV

I came home after a long day outside. I had picked up a bunch of peaches on the way here and I was tired. 

I had been training all day.

I opened the door and my mother was sitting there staring at nothing in particular.

I smiled a bit,"Here," I said offering her a peach.

She looked at me giving me a small smile that I knew was fake before she took it from me.

I walked into my room before putting down my basket of peaches and heading to the window to look up at the setting sun.

It was getting closer. The seventh anniversary of my brothers death.

I shivered before forcing myself to be still. I looked up at the sky.

 So much changed after you died, Lilen. 

Mom and dad barely smile anymore. 


I don't get in fights anymore. I'm training hard to achieve your goal.

I'm doing great brother, believe me.

There was a prolonged silence.

I closed my eyes for a second and after a few deep breaths I managed to calm myself down.

I was okay. I would be okay.

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

I woke up in a happy manner and I stretched excessively. 

It was time to go outside. I was going to go get raspberries from the orchard. I smiled and stretched before grabbing my basket and heading outside.

My mom and dad smiled at me.

"Where are you going?"

I looked at them brightly as my blue eyes gleamed with excitement,"I'm going to get raspberries."

My mom nodded,"Bring Lilen with you."

My heart skipped a beat. Lilen? Lilen was dead.

"No I'm not."

I watched as my surrondings became black and shivers ran down my back.

I turned around as I saw my brother approaching me.

He was soaked in blood and his wings were cut off. He was smiling.

"What? Aren't you happy to see me?"

I stiffened,"Leave me alone," I said as I backed away from him,"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"


I woke up at once as I panted heavily. I curled up in a ball. I was scared. I was so scared.

I began to shake and soon enough I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. I needed to calm down but I couldn't get that image out of my mind.

It haunted me.

That smile. Why did he have to be smiling?

I whimpered a bit before getting up. The sun was up and today was the day, the anniversary. 

I laid my bed before lazily walking to the door. I opened it and there was my mom and dad. The room was silent no words were spoken.

The unspoken rules of this day:

1) Don't speak to anyone they won't respond.

2) Don't mention his name or someone will start crying. It might be you.

3) Try not to cry in front of your family. Crying is contagious.

The feeling in the room was solemn and I didn't want to be here.

I couldn't stand it. 

There faces were so sad and I imagined they felt all there memories of him soaking back in.

I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to remember.
I got up and I headed outside. The sky was cloudy and it looked like it was going to rain. I knew exaclty where to go.

There was a rock in the forest. It was surronded by trees and it was a beautiful place. In the moonlight it produced a beautiful silver colour and it was so pretty.

I smiled. I would go there today.

I walked there before sitting on it and as soon as I did it started to rain.

The sky was crying. It was crying for my brother.

I felt tears come to my eyes. Crying was contagious after all.

I cried. I cried and cried until I was tired of crying but I still continued. The rain continued to beat down on me and I felt sad until I heard a voice.

"You know, it really is none of my buisness but you shouldn't be crying in the rain."

My heart skipped a beat as I looked down in front of me. There was a fairy he had red long hair and a smug expression on his face. His ears were slightly pointed and his eyes were staring right at mine.

Who was he?

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