13| Tournament

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Double update :))  I went missing for almost a month lol. Enjoy  💓

Mira POV

"Gloxinia, com'ere."

I watched in silence as he poked his head around the corner of the tree. His eyes looked at mine with a bit of disappointment.

"How did you know I was here?"

I looked at him in silence before scoffing,"Isn't it obvious. You're not slick."

He smiled as he came near to me.

10 more days.

10 more days until the ruler of fairies was chosen. It was so close yet it felt so far away.

"You've improved a lot haven't you?" he said with a smile on his face.

I smiled a bit before walking towards him,"Did you expect me to still be the same?"

Suddenly Gloxinia's expression dropped.

"What's wrong?" I said as I watched his eyes stare at something behind me.

I turned around slowly to see Amaro. He had a smug expression on his face.

"Hello Mira," he said looking at Gloxinia.

I looked back at Gloxinia and his facial expression was the unamused.

He had greeted me but was looking at Gloxinia.

How strange.

I grabbed Gloxinia's arm,"Well it's nice to see you but we'll be going now."

"You should give up on trying to be the ruler of fairies."

I turned around at once glaring at him intensely.

"What did you say?"

"Give up."

I felt anger fill me up and I immediately began walking towards him.

Quick as a flash Gloxinia grabbed me and pulled me towards him.

"It's not even worth it. Can't you see he's just trying to get you angry."

He smirked, "I gave up."

My eyes widened and Gloxinia stiffened.

"What? Why?" I asked confused.

He rolled his eyes,"Don't you know anything? Haida the speared fairy. There's no way anyone but him would become the ruler of the fairies. Have you seen him in the tournament? There's no point in trying anymore."

I looked at Gloxinia, "Did you know about this?"

He looked at me before nodding, "It's just a way of division. I don't watch tournaments like those."

I grabbed Gloxinia's hand before flying away from Amaro not bothering to say goodbye.

"Where is this tournament?" I said.

His eyebrow rose, "You're not thinking of entering are you?"

I looked at him with disgust,"Of course not. I'm not stupid. I just wanna see what I'm up against."

He narrowed his eyes at me skeptically, "I trust you but I don't want you to start doubting yourself. Are you sure about this?"

I nodded before looking deep into his golden eyes and taking a deep breath, " So where can I find this place?"

He sighed, "It's in the east side of the forest. You know the side where the trees look haunted at night."

"Can you take me there?"

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