38. Homecoming

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*A/N: happy Sunday I'm sorry this was a day late, my sister got engaged so I was celebrating with her, with COVID precautions of course, I hope everyone is staying safe <3 - Ren <3 *

"What exactly does this mean?" Liam watched as you flipped through pages of the journal. Flip and Ron towered over your shoulder, trying to read with you. "Isn't Judith dead?"

"We need to call penelope, don't you think?" Flip asked, you were too distracted by one of the passages that you didn't even hear him. "Salem?"

"Hold on." you quietly spoke, trying to interpret the journal entries. "Let me figure this out."

"Figure it out?" Eric said under his breath. "You're not figuring jack shit.  We are calling penelope, so they can figure this out." Eric emphasized, he pulled out his phone.

"Here, put the journal in here for the meantime." Liam came back with a ziploc bag, he took the journal from your hands. "They'll probably want to screen it, see if her prints pop up."

They discussed further action but you couldn't focus on what they were talking about, Judith's words ran through your mind. Judging from the journal entries, she knew more about James than he knew about himself.

"Angel? Are you okay?" Flip asked while your brothers and Ron scrambled around the house. "What's running through your head?" he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to his chest.

"I need to think for a second and read more of her entries." Flip sighed giving you a look of concern. "What? What is it?" you furrowed your brows at him.

"Nothing. It's just maybe it's best you let them handle it." Flip almost hesitated, you couldn't help but pout. "Don't give me that look." Flip ran his thumb over your bottom lip.

"You shouldn't be pushing yourself to do this..." he was tripping over his words, not wanting to offend you. "Baby, you're not even completely healed-"

"it's only literature." you cut him off. "I'm capable of reading without injury. lt's not like I'm going on the field with them, there is nothing to worry..." you stopped when Flip's expression changed. "that's not what you meant is it?"

"Salem," Flip sighed as he rubbed his face in frustration. "You just got back, I just got you back." he cupped your face. "Do you really think it's a good idea to put yourself back in the headspace?"

You opened your mouth to speak but closed it the moment Liam came back into the room.

"Luke is here and Reid is on his way." Liam eyed the two of you, not knowing if he walked in at the right time.

"I need to talk to him, where is he?" you asked. Flip groaned slightly as he ran his hand through his hair. Luke walked in with Freya. "I'm sorry we interrupted your dinner."

"It's alright, there's always a next time." Luke smiled at Freya. Ron rolled his eyes, leaning against the doorway. You noticed from the corner of your eye that Freya looked a bit unsettled. "Penelope is checking footage from Rossi's security cameras. Your father is at San Quentin, so cell service is spotty."

"What the hell is he doing at San Quentin? I thought the case was in Idaho?" you furrowed your brows. San Quentin was a last resort for your dad, it must've been a tough case to crack.

"His informant had some valuable knowledge on the case." Luke spared details on the matter.

"What did he exchange this time? Gruesome crime scene photos?" Eric walked in with Reid by his side. One thing Eric never understood was the point of having an informant. It was the soldier mentality Eric and Liam had since they became special ops.  They refused to trust the opposing side no matter what.

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