32. Nothing will be the same

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*a/n: thought I'd post a day early :)*

Several weeks before, destination USP Lee federal prison;

Ron knew something was off the moment they left for the terminal, you seemed disassociated. He assumed it had to do with the fact that you'd be going to a federal prison as a detective but that wasn't it. For the majority of the flight you sat in silence and napped a bit after Mateo's briefing. Ron looked out the window, watching the clouds, as he tried figuring out why you were so distant.

"She's okay, you know. You don't have to worry about her." Mateo said nodding in your direction. Ron looked back at you, curled up in the large plush seat.

"I don't think you ever really knew her to make that claim." Ron jabbed back at him. Mateo took a seat in front of him, grinning.

"You think that but between the two of us, I know why she's not her smart ass self," Mateo looked back at you, wincing in your sleep. "She has demons, just like any other agent."

"Just because you're aware of what cases she's handled, doesn't prove anything. She's not the type to let it get to her. She's stronger than that." Ron defends, whispering loudly.

"You're an idiot to think that, you've been a detective for how long?" Mateo scoffed. Ron furrowed his brow and leaned forward."The world is a fucked up place, there's only so much a human being can take. What the butcher did, isn't something you can walk away from, especially a woman."

Ron's eyes narrowed at Mateo. "What exactly does that mean? 'Especially a woman'?"

Mateo rolled his eyes, sighing heavily. "That's not what I meant... exactly." Ron glared at him, waiting for an explanation. "I know you've read her father's books and I'm sure you've read their profile on James."

"He's a sadist that gets his sexual release off of.." Ron stopped the moment the words left his mouth. His eyes narrowed at Mateo once he realized what exactly that meant.

"He gets off on stabbing his victims.'' Mateo finished for him. "Something the BAU has completely avoided after she was attacked. That was their mistake and now he's still free, even after he assaulted one of their own." Mateo angrily scoffed, shaking his head.

Ron tilted his head at him with his brows furrowed.

"Clearly you have some opinions on how the BAU handled it, what exactly would you have done if you were capable of keeping your position?" Mateo's head snapped up at him. Ron casually shrugged at him, showing that he wasn't intimidated.

"I'm not entertaining this." Mateo stood up and glared at Ron as he walked to the front of the jet. Ron grinned a bit knowing he got under Mateo's skin, he did it for you and Flip. He also wasn't comfortable discussing such things with someone like Mateo.

From what you've spoken about him, Mateo isn't a very good profiler. A field agent? Possibly, he was only good for muscle. With his reputation, Ron was surprised he was capable of becoming an Interpol agent after his screw up with the BAU. Something no one had details on, you never spoke about it. Rumors only circulated about the dirty dozen, but no one really knew. You'd actually derail every time it was brought up. That only made Ron more curious about the situation.

Ever since Ron got his hands on your father's book, the case of the Butcher was something he always thought about. Not because he wanted to, but because the details were so graphic and disturbing. They knew nothing about the killer, only his pattern. Even then the evidence and the trail of bodies left behind constantly changed.

When news broke that the butcher went after a federal agent, he assumed the obvious. That the team was close to figuring out who exactly he is.

"Hey,'' you stood in front of Ron, eyeing his body language. "You good?'' Ron noticed how tired you looked even after the nap. You took Mateo's seat, still looking, eyeing him.

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